COBOT: the Album

Downloading now. I'm fucking excited, I am. :)

The Butt and Jose: this was pretty br00tal. who did the vocals? the guitar work is definitely nice. the tone is definitely well-suited. great recording too. the mix sounds good.

That be I, doing vocals. And yeah, I agree, everything about the guitars are fucking nice. Playing, tone, everything. Jose is a lifesaver. :lol:
I don't think it would be super hard for Jose to add your name and title to the track list and for dave to re-upload the album but this whole album deal is dave's thing so idk

It's no big deal.

I listned to your song first and thought I was listening to a kalmah song.

Badass to the max brahhh
01) To The Depths of Rapture - Mart
Excellent job, mate, the riffs here are really fucking top-notch, the song as a whole is really kickass. :kickass:

02) Affliction - Mitch
And here comes Mitch again showing everybody that he can harmonize like Jesus. :lol: Another really enjoyable song, I'd say on par with your first... which says a lot, as your first one was pretty fantastic.

03) Painting The Town Red - Jose
I think I will mirror Twisha's sentiments in saying that the song could do with some vocals. :P That's really the only thing it's lacking. Other than that, great tone, great playing, and great songwriting; really enjoyable thrash song to listen to.

04) Vivere Est Vincere - Myself and Jose
I know it's gonna make me sound egotistical, and that is not my intent, but I would be lying if I was not proud of how it turned out. :lol: Jose came along and made the song kickass.

05) Teh Gheyz0rz - Daniel
Fuckin 'ell, Ensi. You know how to make an epic fucking song. :lol: The samples add a really eerie quality to it. I love how the whole "holy shit dude... where are we?" part segues into this really slow, dreamlike section. :lol: Well done.

06) Valley of Nis - Twisha
My only complaint, is that IMO, your guitar tracks are too quiet, Mystique. :lol: Other than that, fantastic song. The clean part at the end is my favorite bit of the song.

07) Awesome Beer Song - Marie and Daniel
Fucking heavy shit right here... that is a really nice tone, works well with the song. :lol: I really like this song though, especially the lead-work.

08) Gore Blood Superkitten Holocaust - Daniel and Chris
This song is br00tal as fuck, really dark and sinister-sounding as well. :lol: I fucking love that part at 1:48, it's just so fucking doomy.

09) Following The Winds of Destiny - Alex
Another epic song from Teh Lowburger... I will say one thing, this song is a fucking energetic and doesn't let up, from start to finish. :kickass: I like the vocals, the lower ones definitely suit you more man.
Cool! I'm downloading and I'm off to party after that, so I'll coment tomorrow. In the meantime, here you have (and Necromancer, if you want I think it'd be cool to have your song also, and it wouldn't take more than 10 min to upload it and add you to the artwork :kickass:).


Just for the sake of consistency, since everybody else has their real name beside their boards name...

Mine's R.J., for the record. :lol: Just for next time the back cover gets altered.
02) Affliction - Mitch
As has already been said the master of harmony shows himself again :lol: I really digg this song man, much more than your previous one. First of all it's cool that you have some great heavy riffs in there which makes the song really complete along with those awesome harmonies and leads. Also I think this song contains the best solo's of the album. Add to that the awesome chord progressions and you know it's a killer song :)
And the 02:09 bit must be Alexi influenced :D

03) Painting The Town Red - Jose
When you told me your song was in drop C and was very different from your previous song I was quite curious to what you'd come up with this time. I really like the heavy riffs in here. Some are simple, but very effective. The 01:38 lead bit reminds me of Lil' Bloodred Ridin' Hood. Well done dude!

04) Vivere Est Vincere - The Butt and Jose
Very cool song! The song has a bit of a black metal feeling to it if you ask me. Also because the vocals remind me of Dimmu Borgir's vocals a lot. Really sounded nice, awesome job.

05) Teh Gheyz0rz - Daniel
Mart says: So how's the song you've got for this album?
Mart says: Does it also have goofy bits? =p
Daniel says: Well
Daniel says: naaaah

I could've known it! :lol:
Really nice song dude, your song has one of the best riffs of the album imo, 0:52. I also like the little outtakes, "Holy shit dude, where are we?!" xD
One epic song of the lulz master again

06) Valley of Nis - Twisha
Seriously, somehow you kind of surprised me again. I think the intro melody is awesome, and after it follows a song with somewhat unique riffs that ends with an awesome clean ending. I totally agree with Eli on your fantasy, which is indeed great if you ask me. You somehow seem to be able to cross standard lines in songwriting which makes your songs unique and interesting.

07) Awesome Beer Song - Marie and Daniel
Marie, this song is much better than the previous song if you ask me. Better riffs, overall clearer guitars and more interesting composition. Well done!

08) Gore Blood Superkitten Holocaust - Daniel and Chris
Haha brutal as fuck xD Nice brutal riffs and very interesting lyrics :lol:
Well done guys. Blastbeats!

09) Following The Winds of Destiny - Alex
Seriously, I'm so jealous of your songwriting skills :p, are imo the best on the whole forum. I really like this song, way more than your previous one. Some riffs are just pure genius, not to mention the awesome leads and solo's. Seriously, I think if a record company would hear this they'd immediately sign you. At least they should. Keep it up man, you rock!

For my song I want to thank Marfal for the nice BT's and Ensi for the awesome bass playing! And the game Bioshock for giving me inspiration for a name when I still needed one :p

And maybe we should get a parental advisory sticker on the back of the album for the contents of a certain track number 8? :lol:

And is anyone uploading their tabs? Maybe we could make a section in the first post for all the tabs or something.
This is another Album i missed out on...fffffuuuuu. Well, my song got finished today so there was no chance anyways.

Also, wasn't specifically for this album.

I will download the album later on :)
Awesome album, guys!!! I really enjoyed this just as much as the last one!!

The highlights for me were:

• Flappy's first riff. It reminded me of later Trivium, with the gallops, the harmonic minor type chord progression and those extra lead bits at the end. It's just a shame you're missing a hi-hat for the drums!

• Jose's intro riff!! Fucking hell dude, this is a GREAT riff!! I shat myself when you pulled off that harmonic sweep at 10secs!! These leads remind me of Alexi's style and they're very well played with a great tone too, very impressed.

• Mystique's outro section starting at 3mins! Amazing composing and the tone of your guitar is just incredible. I could listen to this forever!!

Thanks again to Ensi for his guest solo on my song, impressed at how quick you did it, and a big well done for everyone who submitted something for this album. I love how it makes me write something, it's like it squeezes some creativity out of me in a set period of time, it's a great idea for a thread. I must say, I can't wait for the next one already!!

So, thanks to Dave for reviving this thread and getting us all to do something so enjoyable! :)
I made a video of me playing my COBOT song to test out my new crappy webcam I got. It was just for fun so it's pretty sloppy :lol:

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I'm off to party and kind of in a hurry (3 angry friends waiting for me to come out with the drinks, don't want to piss them off :lol:), but I'll review on it tomorrow :kickass:

Just for the sake of consistency, since everybody else has their real name beside their boards name...

Mine's R.J., for the record. :lol: Just for next time the back cover gets altered.

Remind me tomorrow please. Not in the best moment to do it :lol:

Awesome album, guys!!! I really enjoyed this just as much as the last one!!

The highlights for me were:

• Flappy's first riff. It reminded me of later Trivium, with the gallops, the harmonic minor type chord progression and those extra lead bits at the end. It's just a shame you're missing a hi-hat for the drums!

• Jose's intro riff!! Fucking hell dude, this is a GREAT riff!! I shat myself when you pulled off that harmonic sweep at 10secs!! These leads remind me of Alexi's style and they're very well played with a great tone too, very impressed.

• Mystique's outro section starting at 3mins! Amazing composing and the tone of your guitar is just incredible. I could listen to this forever!!

Thanks again to Ensi for his guest solo on my song, impressed at how quick you did it, and a big well done for everyone who submitted something for this album. I love how it makes me write something, it's like it squeezes some creativity out of me in a set period of time, it's a great idea for a thread. I must say, I can't wait for the next one already!!

So, thanks to Dave for reviving this thread and getting us all to do something so enjoyable! :)

Wow thanks! Actually the harmonic sweep is not that hard, it's just 5th fret natural harmonics from high E string to D string, but it fits well and sounds cool :kickass: