COBOT: the Album

I think the vocals on the gore.. track suck big time,but i havent heard the whole album yet
hey. im really liking the idea of this whole thing. just wondering if the album covers you have there are final? I study design and layout at college and am pretty handy with photoshop and ive designed album/CD covers before so if you want a hand with anything hit me up.
hey. im really liking the idea of this whole thing. just wondering if the album covers you have there are final? I study design and layout at college and am pretty handy with photoshop and ive designed album/CD covers before so if you want a hand with anything hit me up.

As I am very sure that we are gonna make a third album, you can try making album artwork for that one:)!
Review !

01. Good sound, nice guitar skills and excellent composition, I liked the keyboards part a lot, except the solo that sounds like a Fisher-Price toy. Anyway, really cool track, in the spirit of the Guitar Heroes album.

02. Guitar Master has striked again. But his drumkit is TERRIBLE, and kinda ruins the song. Nevermind, I'm still stuck onto the wall because of the 89055674896689 notes in 4:32 minutes.

03. Same as previous : nice guitar playing, shitty drums.

04. Nice heavy song, reminds me of Arch Enemy. The melody on half-part is great, and the radio-style vocals fit pretty well, on purpose or not :lol: Certainly one of my favorites.

05. Lawl. Another serious song by Ensi, with great samples. The main riff is really heavy and reminds me the "Fuel For Hatred" spirit, with some neo-classical bites. Too bad the guitar isn't tuned in the beginning.

06. I don't know what to think about this one. It could have been a good song, but too much mistakes =/ and WHY ON EARTH didn't you put more piano at the end ? The clean part is cool, add more piano, that fits perfectly !

07. Too bad there are no vocals ! I really liked this song, epic chorus, somebody needs to lay vocals on it, that would be really awesome.

Loud, cut and heavy riff anyway.

09. Excellent. Lowberg already had a really nice sound on the first album, then it follows here. The song itself is awesome again, nothing more to say. Congrats for the production.

Well, in the end, this album is maybe more "serious" that before, but it sounds also way better. It didn't took anybody long to make this second album, and everybody made something strong, but I miss the originality, creativity and fun of the first album. Anyway, that was nice to hear and some songs are pure awesomeness, so congratulations to anybody who participate.

+ : 04, 07 & 09, Ensi appearing 70 times on each song, more collaborations between participants, production on several songs, and if only Jari could take exemple to produce an album that fast
- : creativity, too much guitar skills and not enough "pure composing", and again, production on several songs.
When I was writing my song I didn't put it in guitar pro but I'll start tabbing it if people want
Please do so dude, if there's one song I'd like to play it's yours.

And here's my tab:
To the Depths of Rapture


Sooo, time to write my review.

01 - To The Depths Of Rapture (Mart): awesome song from start to end, really good composition and playing all over the song and really tight playing, I can't understand why you said it all sounded like a mess. Great guitar tone, which for some songs could be bassy but I think fits pefect for yours.

02 - Affliction (Mitch): what can I say? ROTD was hard to top, but you did it. Having more structure and more song style makes it even more interesting, and I think that there's no need to say that the playing was flawless. Great harmonisation too. Only downpoint is that somewhere around the middle of the song it turns a bit noisy for some seconds, but can be my speakers.

03 - This dude fucked up real bad, he should quit guitar :D

04 - Vivere Est Vincere (R.J.): I won't comment on the guitars as I was the one who recorded them, but dude, the vocals really surprised me! They really fit the song and fucking rock. I didn't know what to expect but I must say I'm pretty impressed!

05 - Teh Gheyz0rz (Daniel): cool song again dude. You're officially the king of samples and extra sounds :lol: The music was quite cool and well played, I enjoyed it, and I must say that the sound was quite better this time, and it has a really cool grim atmosphere around the middle of the song when the keys come in.

06 - Valley Of Nis (Twisha): first of all, great composition skills. Your ideas are really interesting and I like how you make everything flow like it was a looong long riff instead of lots of riffs together. The outro clean section was really cool, and you know how to work with the keys too, good job!

07 - Awesome Beer Song (Marie&Daniel): quite an improvement from the first COBOT album imho. The guitar tone is a lot better, that's the first thing. And then also I think it's better composed and just better overall. I do agree with the people that has said that this song claims for vocals though. Still pretty cool.

08 - Gore Blood Superkitten Holocaust (Daniel&Chris): I hear heavy shit going on, guitars sound quite epic and brutal, the title fits them. But also when doing leads sound quite clean, so good job there Daniel! Chris, I think you should try to sing louder and with more strength, it's like it lacks something, like you were recording them at home super low because if you scream you may wake everyone or something. The lyrics are lulzy as fuck though.

09 - Following The Winds Of Destiny (Lowberg): this song is pure fucking win man! Same as with Mitch, I thought your first song was going to be hard to top, but if it doesn't top it at least is as good as it was. Once again great composition, tone and overall production. Lower vocals definitely seem to suit you better, your throat doesn't hurt really bad anymore :lol:

Great album guys, I think we've done it good and this hasn't been a weaker attempt to do another one. We've gone through what they say it's the most difficult thing, the second album, so I can't wait for the epicness on the third. I'm taking part for sure!

My favourite tracks this time were Mart's, Mitch's and Lowberg's, but they were all pretty damn good and fun to listen to :kickass:

When I was writing my song I didn't put it in guitar pro but I'll start tabbing it if people want

It'd be quite cool to have it :kickass: