COBOT: the Album

Good night Flappy, enjoy your sleep and hopefully not much hungover tomorrow :lol:

Thanks Twisha!

EDIT: 4:47 am of Saturday in the future, rehearshals at 10:30, I'm off to bed. Just upload the album and I'll finish the artwork when I come back, don't wait for it if everything else is done. I don't want to be the one holding the album back :lol: Good night!
COBOT: The Album Vol II







01. Flappy - To the Depths of Rapture
02. Warheart - Affliction
04. The Butt & COCOB - Vivere Est Vincere
05. Ensi - Teh Gheyz0rz
07. Jmbullet & Ensi - Awesome Beer Song
08. Ensi & Chris - Gore Blood Superkitten Holocaust

Thanks to Ensi for helping me upload the album!
Thanks to all you guys who put in the time and effort to make another one!
Awesome! I like it a lot more than the last one :D My favorite one so far is Jose's song.
Okay so after listening to the album, here are my comments :)

To the Depths of Rapture - Mart [Flappy]
I really loved your song, great riffs ! And your playing is awesome. I can't decide between your song or Lowberg's which one is my favorite, but I definitly love it !

Affliction - Mitch [Warheart]
You've got so much talent, I just love everything I hear from you !! The song is really good.

Painting the Town Red - Jose [COCOB]
Nice playing !! Your song rocks, it sounds like an entry for a shred competition or something.

Vivere Est Vincere - [The Butt]; Jose [COCOB]
The song sounds like it's taken from some action movie, I love it !

Teh Gheyz0rz - Daniel [Ensi]
Your song is awesome, I love it. <3<3<3<3<3<3 Besides, C&G is teh lulz !

Valley of Nis - Twisha [Mystique]
You've got really nice riffs, I like it !!!

Awesome Beer Song - Marie [Jmbullet]; Daniel [Ensi]
Can't comment on my own song... wait, Daniel's solo is great !

Gore Blood Superkitten Holocaust - Daniel [Ensi]; Chris [Crazychris]
The main riff is cool. The song sounds like cliché death metal, I love it. Chris, your vocals are cool, and the lyrics are lulzy !

Following the Winds of Destiny - Alex [Lowberg]
As I said earlier, I can't decide between this song and Flappy's which one is my favorite, but anyway, I really loved everything in it. It sounds really powerful and your playing is awesome !

Congrats everyone !!!
yeah, I think a lot of the songs in here are better written than the last album. and dave I really regret that you couldn't record a song. Tussen takk tho for putting this whole project together.

My review:

Mart: this sounds so professional! and the tone lets your playing shine thru :D the quote in the beginning was a good idea too. I feel like this would've been even more awesome if someone had done vocals over it. that melody that comes in at 3:53 is very bodom-like. definitely shows the influence.

Jose: dude, your tone has improved sooo much. this song was simply kickass. great writing, awesome playing. it'd be so brutal with some vocals over it. the lick that comes in at 1:38 sounds very familiar :p like something alexi would write. great song tho, pretty versatile compared to your last song :)

Mitch: I don't need to mention anything about the playing. but the style of song did surprise me a bit. very different than RotD. I was expecting the malmsteen and pg writing again. altho PG influence can definitely be heard. I'm glad this time you have more of a structure tho. like verse, chorus, etc. also, amazing harmonies. loving it.

The Butt and Jose: this was pretty br00tal. who did the vocals? the guitar work is definitely nice. the tone is definitely well-suited. great recording too. the mix sounds good.

Daniel: LOL. You already sent this to me before, but this shit is hilarious. music is well done. I love the dark ambiance you gave it. you got some nice tones too.

Valley of Nis: Thank you ALL for waiting for this submission. the lead tone is total crap. I just got the metal shop for my pod like a month ago, so I'm still experimenting with all the new amps. It'll take a while to find a good tone. Jose did an amazing job at the solo. puts mine to shame ;)

Marie: This was awesome. I love the title you gave it :lol: I gotta say, I like it better than the last song. the riffs are more powerful. I like that you used different effects. my favorite part is that section which starts at 1:41. nicely done.

Daniel and Chris: :lol: the lyrics were a nice change. music was nice and heavy, the vocals suited it well. awesome collaboration.

Alex: I already heard the instrumental version of this. but this time around, I definitely got the Kalmah vibe. that chorus is very melodic and very catchy. it's a good hook. and duuude. your vocals that come in at 2:13 = <3 I seriously wish you did vocals for my song. this is a kickass song. awesome solos, played with perfection of course.

you guys are all very talented people!! NEVER STOP MAKING MUSIC :kickass:
Really good album guys! But I like the first one more. I think that only Jose's is better in this album than in COBOT I and Lowbergs is as great as his first song - all others can't top their first songs...
OMG they even got our albums on Amazon and they got like combipacks with t-shirts and everything!!

^ lolh4x?

anyway awesome album guys! although i have to agree with arcane, i liked the first more as well... ( just listened to bottom of the barrel - this song actually made it to my itunes playlist :lol:)
I liked all songs though :)

btw its nice to see how everyone developing (compared to the first album) - recording sound mixing and playing wise!
you're all great musicians already, keep on rocking... :flame:
Ok review lulz! This is going to be random! As i'll be listening to the album as i'm typing this.

1. Mart: I like the main riff alot! I did the bass for you and it was fun:) Never thought it'd pop out like this! Great!

2. >-WaRHEaRrTLULZ>-> : HOLY FUCK! "Where have I heard this before.." And it was on your 'dragonforce style' tab:) I downloaded your folder! Thanks alot!
I really really like the main melody, also your tone, which stands out. Nice mosh riff! Nice solos as always:eek: Woo tempo change really suited there!! Woah this part after the tempo change was pure win! And my solo, woooo! Like it much better than your first one. :)

3. Jose: Sounds nice! Bassdrum is powerful:kickass: I like the leads, and riffs in your song! :) Lotsof shredding, which is teh good. U r teh l33t.

4. Teh Buttz0r and teh Joz0rz: Damn, this is some gr1m and br00tal shit..WOOOO SLAYER RIFF!!!!11 Headbang!:kickass: Nice vocals:) As I said really gr1m!:kickass:


6. Twisha: Another Twisha style song! :kickass: Ima type this in norwegian, I hope you have done your homework!

Denne likte jeg veldig mye, ganske mye gitarspill som gjør sangen AWESOME. Jeg likte slutten. :)

7. Marie & Daniel: This song got a pretty good epic feel/beat to it:kickass: Just epic, simple as that:kickass:

8. Daniel & Chris: THIS IS BR00TAL!:kickass:

9. Aleeex: I kinda heard this before, and I still thinks this is pretty awesome. EPIC as always Alex:kickass: LOWBURGER!
Congratulations everyone, guys and gal. I downloaded the second CoB-OT album, listened to it, and loved it.
I don't think the first album was better, I liked both in a different way, for each of them is different but nice.
I think that a part in Flappy's song around min 01.28, probably, reminded me a bit of the "Northern Comfort" interlude, which I loved, so it was cool to have some similarity with Northern Comfort in your song, Flappy, it suit well, I really liked it a lot, cool stuff for real.
The influence of Mr. Paul Gilbert is evident in your playing, Mitch (like Mystique said before), and indeed I heard a bit of a resemblance with a part in the "Viking Kong" song in your song, and I loved that too, because it wasn't identical, your composition developed in a different way and the playing was amazing, despite you're never satisfied about it because you're too harsh on yourself.
The Butt's song was really cool too, great intro, dude, really reminded of some kind of an action movie!
Ensi, you had impressive ideas once more, you funny and talented guy... really catchy stuff, and great playing.
Then I'm impressed about how you Mystique keep getting better at playing, you create interesting compositions too, you have a lot of fantasy and it is higly required in composing, to me.
Lowberg, you are really talented as well, you are a great guitarplayer and your songs are always some of the ones I like more. Your vocals are really cool too, keep the good work up, please.
Interesting stuff and vocals from Chris and Ensi together, a sound I'm not used to though, but it was cool to hear something different.
Marie got a lot better too, I appreciated her emprovements and the style she chose to use and develop!
And Jose really created a catchy song, I enjoyed the guitar work in it a lot, and I liked the ambient you gave your song, that's really cool!
I hope I didn't forget of anyone, but I wrote too much so I won't rant for much longer now, so I'll just add that I honestly enjoyed all the songs I heard, everyone of you has a unique style, and that's how it has to be, to me. And I do believe all of you got better in playing as in composing.
The cover is great too, the whole "package" is awesome, thanks everyone who participated, made it all possible and "concrete".