COBOT: the Album

First thing, Hi Eli! Long time no see, how are you doing? :)
Hi Jose! (I must try and make an effort not no read in my mind your name with the accent on the "e"... I still didn't get rid of this, damn it!)
Yes, I've been away for some time, I was totally absorbed by uni and other things, and I had didn't even know what to say when I came here every once in a while, so I preferred to shut (the f*ck!) up. Ohh, but I've been pretty good, thank you! I'm very happy at the moment, because although winter and autumn are my fav seasons, I am really waiting for summer now, I really want some nice and sunny days. I can't take sun though, because of my pale skin, but eh, who cares. I want summerrrrrr. Hehe.
And you, Jose? How have you been? Oh, and I saw those pics you posted in the Own Pics thread... really cool ones! The one with that jump was spectacular!! Snow and mountains are awesome, I wish I can learn to ski someday. :)
Oh and sorry guys, I ranted in the wrong thread... now shhhh Eli, shhh. :p

Second thing, great idea. I think that before we launch onto another COBOT album it'd be better to do a forum jam and just solo a bit and not focus again on writing and recording last minute, I'd leave that for the summer, also because some of us are soon going to start having finals and shit and it's going to be difficult for us to write or record anything :(
Yes, it's exactly the same thing I thought!
And like I already said, I really like to hear all of you soloing over one backing track, it's interesting. :)

About Forum Jams, I think they're good on the GP Thread, plus it'd give it some life, as lately is pretty dead.
Same here, I think it was the best place.
Plus if you're particularly interested, you'll check it out as much as possible to be aware of the situation about a possible jam or anything like that that you care of.
First thing, Hi Eli! Long time no see, how are you doing? :)

Second thing, great idea. I think that before we launch onto another COBOT album it'd be better to do a forum jam and just solo a bit and not focus again on writing and recording last minute, I'd leave that for the summer, also because some of us are soon going to start having finals and shit and it's going to be difficult for us to write or record anything :(

agree with this post 100%. Let's leave the 3rd album for the summer months when we have time to focus on writing and recording, so as not to rush things. And yes! Let's have another forum jam in the mean time. That takes MUCH less time. I'm all for it. but who's gonna organize this one?
agree with this post 100%. Let's leave the 3rd album for the summer months when we have time to focus on writing and recording, so as not to rush things. And yes! Let's have another forum jam in the mean time. That takes MUCH less time. I'm all for it. but who's gonna organize this one?

If nobody else has time to do it, I can organize it.
Flappy your main riff is so tight. It was stuck in my head just now from previous listens so I had to listen to it again :p
Great! Nice to hear you like it :p

And I also agree on doing the 3rd album in the summer. Maybe an idea to start it like on the 1st of july and have a "first deadline" on september the 1st?
agree with this post 100%. Let's leave the 3rd album for the summer months when we have time to focus on writing and recording, so as not to rush things. And yes! Let's have another forum jam in the mean time. That takes MUCH less time. I'm all for it. but who's gonna organize this one?

Hi. :kickass:
Wow that album is great. I don't really have the time to write right now (ouhh homophones) but I want to say that Affliction's intro seems a bit like Revolution Deathsquad's one. :lol:

I just found a tab named COBOT in my tabs folder... I listened to it and it's definitly not me who wrote it. As it's named COBOT I suppose one of you wrote it. Please download this and tell me if you know what's the real title and who wrote it.

I don't know... but measure 144-147 seems like Yngwie's Rising Force.
I just found a tab named COBOT in my tabs folder... I listened to it and it's definitly not me who wrote it. As it's named COBOT I suppose one of you wrote it. Please download this and tell me if you know what's the real title and who wrote it.

No idea.

┼Victim of the Night┼;8265248 said:
Hi Jose! (I must try and make an effort not no read in my mind your name with the accent on the "e"... I still didn't get rid of this, damn it!)
Yes, I've been away for some time, I was totally absorbed by uni and other things, and I had didn't even know what to say when I came here every once in a while, so I preferred to shut (the f*ck!) up. Ohh, but I've been pretty good, thank you! I'm very happy at the moment, because although winter and autumn are my fav seasons, I am really waiting for summer now, I really want some nice and sunny days. I can't take sun though, because of my pale skin, but eh, who cares. I want summerrrrrr. Hehe.
And you, Jose? How have you been? Oh, and I saw those pics you posted in the Own Pics thread... really cool ones! The one with that jump was spectacular!! Snow and mountains are awesome, I wish I can learn to ski someday. :)
Oh and sorry guys, I ranted in the wrong thread... now shhhh Eli, shhh. :p

I've been pretty good thanks! I changed from engineering to translation and interpretation this year (yeah, extreme change, but physics and I don't get along well, and languages and I do, so easy choice too hehe) and life is MUCH better now. I enjoy lessons, nice people too (at engineering were nice people too, only damn physics were evil :lol:) and I compulsory have to go out to study one year, which fucking rocks. Bandwise looks like we're closer to finishing or damn cursed demo and about going out, I think I've beated my own record on partying this year :lol: So no complaints hehe.

agree with this post 100%. Let's leave the 3rd album for the summer months when we have time to focus on writing and recording, so as not to rush things. And yes! Let's have another forum jam in the mean time. That takes MUCH less time. I'm all for it. but who's gonna organize this one?

Great! Nice to hear you like it :p

And I also agree on doing the 3rd album in the summer. Maybe an idea to start it like on the 1st of july and have a "first deadline" on september the 1st?

I'm in for that.

Yep, it's like a tradition :lol:
I made the two album covers and back covers in ready-to-print pdf files for those of you who would like to print them but don't wanna waste their time placing the images in another file. Also, I edited the back cover Swabs had made because there were no sides and it was not wide enough to fit a standard CD case. The middle is still the same, I just added stuff around it. I printed the 2 albums covers and back and they look really good in CD cases !!
COBOT: The Album, A4 paper size
COBOT: The Album, US Letter paper size
COBOT: The Album Vol II, A4 paper size
COBOT: The Album Vol II, US Letter paper size
I quite enjoy Vivere Est Vincere. No idea what that title means, but both the guitars and vocals go really well with each other.

-edit: A very dark feeling, which I must say is going well with my current mood of researching Diablo 3 news/announcements. Kind of reminded me of Diablo music in some ways actually :p
I quite enjoy Vivere Est Vincere. No idea what that title means, but both the guitars and vocals go really well with each other.

-edit: A very dark feeling, which I must say is going well with my current mood of researching Diablo 3 news/announcements. Kind of reminded me of Diablo music in some ways actually :p

Thanks man. The title's actually in Latin, it means "To live is to conquer". I thought it was a fucking manly title, went well with the lyrics. :V :lol:

And fuck yeah D3 is gonna be good. :kickass:
I gotta say Flappy's one was mindblowing composition and quality-wise, it had the cake by a long mileage! Lowberg's one was also very, VERY good. Music-wise it wasn't at all my cup of tea, but I must admit I would have mistaken it for a Kalmah song, which is awesome for someone who like these kind of bands because it's the best in the genre. Mitch, this one was WAY better than your last (which was still good), much less straightforward. I always thought your playing was tight, but you needed more inspiration. Well, there you go! For the others, nothing struck my attention at all, sorry! But still, Mystique is sexy, I give her that!
OKAY, so after finally getting a free minute to listen to the album, here are my thoughts:

1. Mart, I love the fact that your song opened the album. It's got the perfect vibe for an opening track. Fast and technical, but with a big atmosphere and really catchy symphonic effects. Awesome job! The overlay section starting at 1:29 is amazing.

2. Mitch, tell Dragonforce to hire you because you play their style of music better than they do. CHRIST! Your song is just amazing! I have no words for how ridiculously good this song is. Excellent job.

3. Jose, I really like the thrash atmosphere on your song. Whether it was intentional or not, you captured old Megadeth very nicely on your song - sounds like it came straight off the B-sides of "Rust in Peace." Keep it up, man!

4. R.J., print me out lyrics for your song and send them to me. This is kickass. Your vocals are sick, and this composition is great. Props to Jose for his playing. I agree that it does sound very Dimmu-esque, but your vocals are much more raw, which works perfectly with the song's atmosphere. Great work!

5. Ensi, you are one sick fuck, but damn, you play one hell of a guitar. Nice job.

6. Twisha, this is not what I was expecting from you given your submission for the previous album, but I think it's awesome! The keys at the beginning and end of the song are really great, and your variations in tempo and rhythm are really interesting. Almost like Into Eternity, but a little bit smoother and more tasteful. The solo at 1:49 is badass!

7. Marie, I will agree that this is much better than the song for the last album. There is a much more cohesive sound to the song, and all the instruments complement each other very well. Your tone is also much better, I think. Great job. Ensi, nice solo too.

8. GOD, WHAT THE FUCK DID I DO????? No, seriously, I wish I had done a better job on vocals for this (damn allergies striking right when the deadline came), but Ensi's playing and composition are ridiculous. Good job once again, bro. I think that we managed to put this song together in an hour and half combined total time, although there was a long gap between when he finished recording his parts and I started recording mine, because of my exams.....random tidbit of info for you there......

9. Alex, HOLY FUCK! I can see what people were saying about this having a Kalmah vibe. I am definitely reminded of several tracks from "Swampsong." Hands down, my favorite song on the album. You kicked ass once again, man!

Soooooooo, time for me to start practicing and developing my vocals for the third album. Let's see if I can do a song that doesn't require me to use my black metal voice on that one.....
Is it just my computer? In Mitch's song the hi hat sounds very weird =S Very loud and bad, I haven't listened to it yet because of this :erk:
Is it just my computer? In Mitch's song the hi hat sounds very weird =S Very loud and bad, I haven't listened to it yet because of this :erk:

Ugh yeah, I had to use Guitar Pro 5 midi for the drums...:lol:

And thanks for the comments Chris, I really appreciate it mate!!
I wish i could play solos like you guys. (Especially Mitch/Jose/Lowberg and Ensi).

BUt nope, All i can do is write motherfucking heavy riffs and play "Born" solo half sloppily.

Meh, that's just time practicing :lol: You spend yours playing damn heavy riffs, I spend mine wanking on Alexi's solos :lol: Hence why your'e writing songs in 2 minutes and I'm fast to come up with solos.

And then there's Mitch and Lowberg who do both things and faster :lol:

Thanks Chris! I've actually never heard Megadeth except a couple of songs though :lol: