COBOT: the Album

New album. Good idead.
Though I seem to be out of interesting musical ideas lately.
Hey! Sure it'd be cool to have a 3rd, but please give me time to go back to Spain and start writing :lol: I'll be back by the end of July. After a month of no playing I'll be killing for a guitar, so I guess I could write the song soon. Maybe we could set a 1st not so real date around the first week of September. What do you guys think?

aw, you know I'm j/k. I miss not having you around. no more Sinergy talk :(
btw, I was watching an episode of House today. and guess what. It was finally Lupus!!! hahaha.

on topic: a new album sounds good :) I seriously need to make up for the atrocity that was my last song =/
@ Jose's idea: that sounds good!
Atrocity? It was quite good actually, really nice ideas going on. But if you want to top that I say go, better is never bad :lol:
thanks Jose, I actually agree on the composition part. I think I came up with some nice ideas as well. but I was referring more to my playing. It was in serious need of more practice. I hadn't properly practiced for a couple of months before recording, so that just really showed in the recording. This one should be better in terms of playing....I hope.
Indeed, me too :) Razor blades are burning. Haha freaking Hugh.

haha. I love those moments! speaking of which, OMG....guess which episode I watched today? I wanted to text you at this part, but I didn't have my phone close by :lol:

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^Well, that can happen. Just work it up this time till you're happy and we're good to go :)

DAAAAAAAAAAAAAMN school computer with no flash player. I need admin account to be able to install it, so I can't watch any vid or anything. Sucks!
Nah, college is over since June 22nd, I'm in Ireland as leader for a group of students, and from 9 to 12 in the morning (while they're taking lessons) and when I come back home for dinner (6 to 8 or so in the evening) I have my time to come over here and keep updated on what's going on and shit. I even somehow write a "blog" in a simplified crappy spanish version of Facebook for my friends. I get really bored those 3 hours in the morning :lol: