COBOT: the Album

^Mystique has over 9000 tempochanges in her songs
haha I know, I know. we had this issue last time with drum tracks. this time there's only 2 tempo changes :p
If anyone needs vocals, I've got a good mic now and can record in pretty decent quality. Get back to me.

I think I might. Can you do vocals in the style of Mikeal Stanne?
for example, the way he sounds on In Flames' Lunar Strain album:
^lol, I love Stanne, but I honestly think he is a much better vocalist now days. You can really here his progression with each album.

It's funny how Anders had the opposite effect and got worse over time.
I'm actually going to need someone to do some on mine =S
I can't sing for shit, or much less else.

Okay give me an idea what you want it to sound like and whether or not you want me to write lyrics.

I think I might. Can you do vocals in the style of Mikeal Stanne?
for example, the way he sounds on In Flames' Lunar Strain album

I can try. I do a better job sounding like he does on newer DT albums, but I can try for that. Same thing regarding lyrics.
Okay give me an idea what you want it to sound like and whether or not you want me to write lyrics.

I'll let you write some lyrics to it if you'd like.

As far as singing goes, I like Jari, Petri, whoracle-colony era Anders, and new style Mikael Stanne.

If you can pull any of that off, pick one and have at it =]
I'll let you write some lyrics to it if you'd like.

As far as singing goes, I like Jari, Petri, whoracle-colony era Anders, and new style Mikael Stanne.

If you can pull any of that off, pick one and have at it =]

I can put up some samples of my vocal skeelz...

It's no fry screaming or something like that then. CAn't do that shit. I do listen to alot of metalcore and all that shizzles but I can't do that style of vocals for shit. My style would be high and low death growls. And somekinda gr1m black metal vocals.
Nah, going to re-record most of the stuff, not satisfied anymore :D
I will have to force myself to write the damn drums ...
Possibly I will get Superior 2 + Metal Foundry in a few days.