Which bands, tours and/or concerts will you be seeing live?
those are the finals hope for gamma ray in winter.
Which bands, tours and/or concerts will you be seeing live?
Arrive late then, so you won't see Mastodon
Wacken! i still have to buy the ticket, but i already have money for it
Well it's either that, or hanging out at the bar during their set. I vote for the latter!
Hey One_Bizzare Mister Martin: On March 26th, Unexpect is playing in Ottawa, and guess what.... I don't work, do you think it would be a good idea to drive there and have fun?
Do I think...I don't even think, I know it's a good idea. I order to come down here.
Ramène ta poire qu'on s'la pète ben comme faut à un vrai show de métal ottawaien (où tout le public viens du québec mais bon...).
I'll be there 100% sure.
I hear the screams of the french language.. scream, scream, scream..
Canadian french is only for murderers.. hmmhmmmm
He didn't say "Le Roi, c'est moi" but "Le Roé c'est moé"
lol ca sonne un peu comme du wallon ca (une langue que les gens parlaient en belgique francophone jusqu au debut 1900 avant de parler francais)
Hahahahahahahaha ramène ta poire, est bonne celle-là ! J'ai jamais entendu cette expression, faut ben rester à Aylmer pour dire des trucs de même!
Ok I'm there 100% sure too! Mon chum vient de confirmer que j'peux prendre sa voiture, faudrait j'me trouve un divan où pieuter.... Ou une chambre d'hôtel pas chère!