cut or uncut

I'm circumcised but I'm not jewish. I'm a bit ignorant about all this stuff. Is circumcision a common practice outside of judaism? If it's not then I wonder why the hell my penis was chopped. Because it's allegedly more sanitary to have a circumcised johnson as opposed to one that isn't?
^Yes, I used to think circumcised penises were all natural and eevryone had one like that, but that was my pre-puberty years, you learn a lot in those. :lol: ;)
I guess I really have nothing on non-circumcision. Besides the fact that I find uncircumcised dicks really fucking creepy. But that's not much of an argument, is it.
Condoms prevent AIDS 99% of the time when used properly. Or HIV rather. Seeing as it's transferred through the seminal or vaginal fluids or open sores, and condoms make sure that these fluids do not touch each other assuming that they work properly, why you would think that condoms don't prevent HIV is beyond me.

The HIV virus is small enough to fit through the "holes" inherent in the threaded make-up of the latex, and thus condoms are not all that efficient at stopping its transmission.

You know how you can still feel the (possible) wetness from your hand when you wear rubber gloves? HIV gets through condoms in a similar way. Sure, the sweat does not get through, but the "condensation" can carry it.
There are plenty of advantages and disadvantages:



"the norm" for many people
more aesthetically pleasing for many people
minutely more hygienic


is natural
increases sexual pleasure

It also originally served a notable biological function that is no longer necessary, but I don't remember what that is.



is unnatural
decreases sexual pleasure


less aesthetically pleasing
not "the norm"
minutely less hygienic

You just proved my point. The only advantages/disadvantages are superficial. "Increased sexual pleasure" is subjective, "less aesthetically pleasing" refers solely to personal preference (which is also subjective), and saying that its former biological function is no longer necessary proves that foreskin is, indeed, unnecessary.

Would you also be against the removal of one's appendix, too?
So, to make this conversation even more awkward, how exactly does being uncircumcised increase sexual pleasure? The only advantage I can see is that you might not have to lube up as often, if at all.

edit: posted before seeing the above.
Like I said, point me towards some reading (this time in reference to your claims about uncircumcised "advantages"), I want answers from first-party sources. I also want some backup from others who have experienced such "increased pleasure".

Just out of curiosity, does being uncircumcised take away the need to lube yourself up before anal sex?