cut or uncut

The only way I can see it saving on lube is during masturbation, since you can hold the foreskin instead of the actual penis while you do it. But with sex, it seems like only the exposed part of the penis would be making much contact in the vagina.
It's sad that you were raised to believe condoms didn't work instead of knowing how to enjoy sex safely.

I've also heard that uncircumcised men experience more pleasure because the head isn't as worn from constant rubbing.
I've never fully trusted most school curriculums anyway because of the prominence of their ulterior motives and hidden agendas, but the sex-ed thing never occurred to me until now. It seems difficult to hide the truth about something as elementary and widespread as sex, but I guess they've found a way.
I'm pretty sure I was too busy feeling awkward as fuck during my sex ed classes to actually get anything out of them. I can imagine Necuratul's classes having been accurate due to being in a liberal part of the country. I think mine were pretty accurate as well, though I remember there being a lot of emphasis on the fact that "the only 100% sure way of not getting an STD is abstinence".

Not that any of that shit really made a damn of difference to me, since I suck at girls.
It's sad that you were raised to believe condoms didn't work instead of knowing how to enjoy sex safely.

I've also heard that uncircumcised men experience more pleasure because the head isn't as worn from constant rubbing.

It didn't really matter to me because I hadn't really planned on having sex anytime soon during high school (for more psychological reasons than anything else), but I was never against the use of condoms.
So, to make this conversation even more awkward, how exactly does being uncircumcised increase sexual pleasure? The only advantage I can see is that you might not have to lube up as often, if at all.

edit: posted before seeing the above.

Read my blog on it, I sort of explain it.. In the best way I can. It's what Matt said but a little more in depth.

And the whole look-factor I don't really get because when it's erect it looks the same circumsized or not, with the foreskin pulled back. It's just when it's limp it looks so different. But who cares when it's limp??

edit: My blog on circumcision.
My school never had sex ed classes. When I was in 5th and 6th grade we had a speaker give us booklets about going through puberty and basically stuff about sex, but other than that we really didn't have sex education at my school at all. It only came up in biology or the sciences usually and it wasn't a preachy type session.
my sex ed class in high school was pretty upfront about things (that's what happens when you live in Los Angeles). I vividly remember my teacher telling the girls, "Now, ladies, if your man says he's too big, he's lying." Our teacher proceeded to stick both of her fists in the condom, stretched it out, and moved her wrists around without it breaking. I was waiting for it to shoot across the room.
I got all my sex education along with many, many other topics prematurely through books in the library, the internet and friends. I knew about stuff much before it was discussed at school.
I learned most of what I know about sex by extracurricular methods. The only thing they taught us in my classes was "don't do it before you're married". And they actually told the girls: "don't let guys hug you because they only want to feel your boobs". Most of the teachers at my school are more immature than the students.
my sex ed class in high school was pretty upfront about things (that's what happens when you live in Los Angeles). I vividly remember my teacher telling the girls, "Now, ladies, if your man says he's too big, he's lying." Our teacher proceeded to stick both of her fists in the condom, stretched it out, and moved her wrists around without it breaking. I was waiting for it to shoot across the room.

That sounds like my class, expect that one of our teachers put it over her whole forearm and did rip it while trying to reassure us that it wasn't a problem. The other tried to demonstrate by putting it on his finger. He couldn't get it off and ended up sending it flying across the room and into a door.
My High School sex ed class was super focused on STDs. We even had to memorize and were tested on various STD symptoms multiple times. I remember very little discussion on pregnancy except when they brought in 2 teen mothers to speak.
I had sex ed In Grade Five And Seven (At a... ugh... christian school). My Grade 9 education was the best, because the teacher just told us the advantages and disadvangtages of birth controls, and the rates of sucess in percent... it was very unbiased and since most of the kids in my class had disturbing, and bizzare senses of humor it was pretty funny, and not to akward.