cut or uncut

I was circumsized and baptized and never thought about it. I can't recall any of it. I am glad I do not have skin moving around on my penis or have to move skin around,etc.. or whatever. I am a short and small guy and it does not bother me that my penis is not 8 inches.
I'd be indescribably pissed off if my parents mutilated my cock when I was an infant and had no say on the matter.

It's fucking madness.

More likely, you wouldn't give a shit like the rest of us. Especially if you grew up with it and got used to it looking that way.
Uhh..... You're an idiot.

Why don't you stop eating meat then? Since it makes your butthole a whole hell of a lot less sanitary.

I'd like to know why you're even partaking in this thread since you don't even have a penis.

Secondly, I would take my dad's 25+ years of medical expertise over research you gathered from the internet.


Meat is murder......................and murder is good!