he Moonkultdawn: well
The Moonkultdawn: admittedly
The Moonkultdawn: I've had
The Moonkultdawn: LOTS
ArdorAbortion: lots being...
The Moonkultdawn: hm
The Moonkultdawn: hang on
ArdorAbortion: hahaha
The Moonkultdawn: two thumbspaces
The Moonkultdawn: on a twothumbspaces radius bottle
The Moonkultdawn: do the math
ArdorAbortion: wha
ArdorAbortion: t
ArdorAbortion: in gods name
The Moonkultdawn: you'll need pi
ArdorAbortion: are you talking about
ArdorAbortion: hahaha
ArdorAbortion: ....
ArdorAbortion: hahahaha
ArdorAbortion: no shit
ArdorAbortion: but man
ArdorAbortion: im talking ounces
ArdorAbortion: man
The Moonkultdawn: which is 3.1415something
ArdorAbortion: im a bit intoxicated
ArdorAbortion: dont
ArdorAbortion: confuse me right now.
The Moonkultdawn: hahaha
The Moonkultdawn: if I got up and stood
The Moonkultdawn: I'd probably collapse
ArdorAbortion: id fall into oblivion

The Moonkultdawn: hooray for chairs