Death Metal band with the best overall discography?

Death Metal band with the best overall discography?

  • Bolt Thrower

  • Obituary

  • Death

  • Malevolent Creation

  • Cannibal Corpse

  • Nile

  • The Chasm

  • Incantation

  • Immolation

  • Morbid Angel

Results are only viewable after voting.


Bill Ward's Red Pants
Oct 21, 2003
The Southland
If you were to rate the discographies of the long-running Death Metal bands, who would come out on top? Feel free to share album by album and overall ratings of the band you choose and any others you're inclined to do. I've created a poll with some of big names but options are limited to 10. So vote or mention your choice if it's not in the poll.
I'm scarcely a death metal fan, but it's gotta be Vader for me. I've ranked eight of their studio albums 7/10 when other death metal bands are lucky if I rank one album that high (and only Ulcerate and Coffins earned some higher rankings). Plus I have Vader's five other main albums at 6/10. None even close to being bad. They're just that consistent. Too damn consistent maybe. I'd be nice if they took more risks and tried to surprise me.

My top 5 Vader albums last I checked:
1. Litany
2. Revelations
3. Tibi et Igni
4. The Ultimate Incantation
5. Dark Age

The 'Blood' EP is kind of a favourite too.

My distant runner up in 2nd place would probably end up being Entombed or Grave, but I'd have to hear their full discographies first. I have been inclined to hear all of Morbid Angel's albums so I threw them a vote in the poll on that basis just to see the results.
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Vader is one of the bands I thought about including in the poll. Even though I don't listen to them, I know they have a reputation for consistency. It's unfortunate that only ten options are allowed.

My vote goes to Bolt Thrower right now. Not only do they not have a bad album, but they have at least three albums that are all-time classics that I would consider likely entries into my Top 20 DM albums.
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I can see arguments made for Cannibal Corpse, Death, Bolt Thrower, and Vader. I chose Immolation. 11 Amazing albums of crushing death metal and even the weakest one, Kingdom of Conspiracy, is still a 7/10 for me. I have always appreciated that Immolation while being blasphemous goes about it in a mature and nuanced manner, at least, for a death metal band.

Morbid Angel would be a contender if not for that album they released in 2011. Altars of Madness is one of my all time favorite death metal albums.

Malevolent Creation has a very inconsistent discography. I enjoy Ten Commandments, Retribution, Stillborn, and Individous Dominion, but there was that period in the 90s where they released some duds with Eternal, In Cold Blood, and The Fine Art of Murder. They must have some poor record deals because there are bunch of shitty compilations and live albums from the 90s - 2000s period. Some record company must have been trying to squeeze them for every penny.
I've been flailing around for awhile trying to compile lists of my top Doom or Death Metal albums but was finding it very difficult to justify any sort of ranking. So, I finally fiddled around on RYM and discovered the ability to rate individual tracks. Now, I'm listening intently and doing track by track ratings and calculating an overall rating. I've been surprised to see how they tend to turn out lower than if you just listen to the whole album and arbitrarily give it an 8 or 9 out of 10 based on overall feeling. I'm working through Obituary's discography right now and then I'm probably going to circle back to Bolt Thrower and Malevolent Creation (that was basically the impetus for this thread). Malevolent Creation has A LOT of albums (more than I had thought). I did like what I heard of Eternal. It will be interesting to see how this turns out.

I wonder how people approach something like this. I think consistency is probably the obvious choice here, but I imagine that some might feel that certain albums are SO good that they lift up some lesser entries above a more consistent but more mediocre band's discography.

I definitely thought @CiG was going to be in the Bolt Thrower camp.
Having worked through the first three Obituary albums, I'm a bit surprised to have The End Complete at the top. I had figured it would be Slowly We Rot. I haven't had TEC for all that long, but it really gels with me. I love the guitar tone and it seems like their songwriting came together the most on that one. I don't really care for some of the shorter, thrashier songs on SWR and, on the contrary, Cause of Death is bloated by some passages that don't really go anywhere for me. Everything seems to flow logically on TEC and it's loaded with unruly leads by Allen West in pretty much every song. Things are already getting interesting.
Never got into Obituary, which is weird since the slow death metal grind is my thing like Autopsy, Incantation, Bolt Thrower and Asphyx.

it’s probably for superficial reasons like their being no actual lyrics for the 1st two albums.
it’s probably for superficial reasons like their being no actual lyrics for the 1st two albums.

I see that as a bonus :D

I mean he does say real words most of the time and they're about as coherent as the actual lyrics on later albums (and quite a bit of metal tbh). I would argue that there's actually some variety in Obituary's discography so if you don't like one you may very well like another. Try Slowly We Rot, The End Complete, Back From the Dead, and the S/T for a sampling.

What's your ranking of the Bolt Thrower discography Jeff?
Malevolent Creation (that was basically the impetus for this thread). Malevolent Creation has A LOT of albums (more than I had thought). I did like what I heard of Eternal. It will be interesting to see how this turns out.

I saw Malevolent Creation live in 2011 and they put on a good show but a bit basic compared to say Deicide or Morbid Angel. I was put off by them in 2012 or so when they announced they wouldn't tour North America any more because it wasn't profitable for them. It has been a while since I have listened to some of their albums. I should revisit Stillborn through Doomsday X.

I wonder how people approach something like this. I think consistency is probably the obvious choice here, but I imagine that some might feel that certain albums are SO good that they lift up some lesser entries above a more consistent but more mediocre band's discography.

Consistency is important. Cryptopsy would be in the conversation if not for the regrettable and unforgivable album, The Unspoken King.
The Chasm is consistent as hell. Except the last one, but it may grow on me.

Nile for sure, even if there are some lesser albums in the latter half of their career.

Incantation killed it early on. Nothing beyond Diabolical Conquest has done much for me.

I like some stuff from Immolation. Close to a World Below is impressive.

MA, Death, CC, and Obituary never were my thing. Not familiar with MC
I saw Malevolent Creation live in 2011 and they put on a good show but a bit basic compared to say Deicide or Morbid Angel. I was put off by them in 2012 or so when they announced they wouldn't tour North America any more because it wasn't profitable for them. It has been a while since I have listened to some of their albums. I should revisit Stillborn through Doomsday X.

It looks like Malevolent Creation is actually doing a pretty extensive U.S. tour this year playing Retribution in its entirety for the 30th anniversary.

It changes. But right now

For Victory
Those Once Loyal
Realm of Chaos
The IVth Crusade
Honour Valour Pride
In Battle There is No Law

Wow, that's almost exactly the same as mine right now. Just put IVth Crusade over Warmaster. I really like Mercenary.
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Im not sure why Mercenary, because musically it's really great. Probably because Willets was pretty much out of the band at that point
It looks like Malevolent Creation is actually doing a pretty extensive U.S. tour this year playing Retribution in its entirety for the 30th anniversary.
I wasn't aware, and it looks like the nearest show is over an hour away. Didn't the singer pass a way a few years back? Looks like it just the original guitar player and bunch of hired guns, nearly a cover band at this point.