Death Metal Bands

Pantera was a very good band. The groove made them pretty distinctive and they had a killer chemistry, they combined aspects of rock'n'roll, Thrash, hardcore and traditional metal, which was totally different from the mindless nu-metal type of groovy stuff, and as whole, the band was way better and more talented than most Death Metal/Black Metal overrated rubbish.

To me they just sound as boring as all the tough guy bands they influenced, and they are definitely highly responsible for the metal downfall during the 90's when Machine Head came and eventually rap/nu-metal/metalcore etc.

Cowboys has some decent songs since they mixed in some actual thrash and Phil hadn't totally gone overboard with his tough guy antics.
I know it's been said, and it will be said again...EXHORDER...

Doesn't sound exclusively like Exhorder though, that band was just an obvious influence...even the singer from Exhorder confirmed that. Pantera wasn't a one trick pony and they had many different elements in their music. For example, you can't compare their slower, southern-rock influenced numbers like ''Floods'' to any Exhorder songs. Tbh i can't detect any real Exhorded rpp-off parts on Pantera songs, but if you do, please enlighten me.
But in the realm of "groove" orientated Thrash, Exhorder was definitely the better band imo. And I did not say that everything Panterrible has done ripped off Exhorder...that stuff is even worse! You can listen to Exhorder's demos and then decide...I'm not gonna get into a whole thing about this...I just think Pantera get too much praise and credit that it's sick.
And now the singer is in Alabama Thunderpussy instead of using his vocals for something better. Oh well...they have some fun songs...about it.
To me they just sound as boring as all the tough guy bands they influenced, and they are definitely highly responsible for the metal downfall during the 90's when Machine Head came and eventually rap/nu-metal/metalcore etc.

Cowboys has some decent songs since they mixed in some actual thrash and Phil hadn't totally gone overboard with his tough guy antics.

Maybe i simply don't mind the macho/tough guy my opinion it isn't any more stupid or dumb than the ultra-evil corpse eating retardation that has saturated metal for so many years. Tbh i think that talking about corpses and behaving all badass can be pretty fun if done correctly...i personally don't really have a problem with that. Some dudes that bash Pantera's attitude actually praise bands whose members dress like comic book ogres and drink goat blood onstage because they think that all mankind should go to the fire, which, in my opinion, is moronic to the point of unacceptable. i'm in no way a Pantera fanboy...there are tons of superior metal bands obviously...i guess i just don't get all the hate.
Quite the rant i wrote here btw, gonna take a shit nowz...PEAC EOUT.
I think images, and representation of a band/genre/scene is gone...outdone...outdated...And the kids that try to do that now are just trying to impress their friends and just look plain dumb. I mean, I loved the mystery behind a lot of the metal bands in the late 80's/early 90's...but it's lost now. And the whole tough guy act is so overused...and when it's done by some 90 pound skinny white punk, then it's just the most hilarious thing you can witness.

Then again, this stuff keeps me entertained...keep doing it.
I think pretty much everything related to image or appearance in music is really stupid. Sure, logos and album covers and stuff is fun. But when it comes down to stupid rants, make-up etc. I just find it stupid.
I'd say Coma of Souls. It's both ferocious and quite melodic at the same time without ever losing intensity. Their newer stuff is okay as well, when they dont go all Gothenburg.

Coma of Souls sounds like it was assembled at random from riffs and intros found in dumpsters outside of studios where other bands were recording.

Plus, bands that suddenly discover politics always seem to render them in the cheesiest manner possible. I mean, "People of the Lie"?! Way to really take a controversial stand there, boys.

Give me Endless Pain any day.
wow, someones aiming for mr. tr00 I-ONLY-LIKE-THEIR-FIRST-ALBUM tough guy of the forum :lol:

I'm just going to tell it like it is. When a band's first album(s) is/are their best, I'm not going to pretend otherwise to get some sort of open-minded cred with the scene kiddies.
Decrepit Birth went from brutal nonsense to complete wank with no substance...definitely a hit for the Necrophagist/Unique Leader/Brutal Bands fans.