Death Metal Bands

I think it'll be a shot in the dark here, but a classic band that I still listen too often is Ragnarok. Shagrath should have stayed with them rather than go into Dimmu Borgir.
All he did was play keyboards on one cd. I'm glad they have Host as their vocalist...though I'm much more interested in Taake's new offerings.
Really? haha well, I still think he shoulda stayed with Ragnarok. I like them alot more than DB.

The only other 2 black metal bands I listen too often are Emperor and Ghamoreon
Reciprocal is awesome for anyone looking at underrated Death Metal bands. Kinda like a mix of Deicide and Nile, just needs a little better production :)
Naw man, their new shit is pretty good. I just ordered the first 2 cds.

I agree, I enjoy all of Vehemence's work, they put on a great live show as well. "Helping The World To See", in my opinion, is their best effort, in spite of the momentum on that disc kinda slowing down during the second half. "God Was Created" was cool, but a little long-winded for me, I wasn't really digging the keyboards either.

On a side note concerning Abigail Williams, if they'd lose that hideous keyboard playing, the band would rule.
So I've read most of this thread... and I dont think I've seen them mentioned... Does anyone around here listen to Jungle Rot? They seem pretty solid most of the time... some of their album's dont have the greatest production quality ever though.

I have a couple of JR's albums, very cool, groove-oriented dm. I liken them to Obituary in that sense, and I loved seeing them with Deicide a few years back.
Abigail Williams is another trendy band from here that arose when Job For A Cowboy got big. Bland as shit.

"trendy" as in they have 120 people at their shows instead of 30, or "trendy" as in you don't like them, therefore they suck? I personally didn't care for that e.p.......too much keyboard bullshit for me, but if they'd have removed it, I can honestly say I would've enjoyed them, BDM likeness and all.

As for JFAC....there's really nothing in common with them and A.W. to my ears....and even they aren't what you could term as "trendy" in the big picture.
120 kids who think they're listening to "Black Metal" :) And believe me, these bands are trendy...JFAC started out as a weak "hardcore" band, then changed to "metalcore", then all of a sudden when they went to Metal Blade they turned into a 3rd rate Death Metal band...and Metal Blade is pushing this crap instead of the veteran lineup that deserves it more. Pretty much the same thing how AW changed, except horrible keys that kill their already horrible music.
Ugh...I hate that release...Karmageddon/Hammerheart rip off bullshit. Both parts are good though. Def Dark Funeral's best moment before going completely mediocre.
So I've been listening too alot of Blood Red Throne's new album "Come Death" lately aside from Unblessing The Purity, and I must say that it grows on you also. Rebirth in Blood and Slaying The Lamb are excellent songs and I reccomend the album to any/all Death heads here :)
im a bit late here, but i LOVE lord belial, good too see someone else does too haha, ive finally gotten around to getting some burzum too
ive got come death on my computer(someone sent it to me) but i still havent listened to it yet
anybody else excited for deicides new album?