Death Metal Bands

Akercocke is like blackened death, but I think they are way overrated.

haha yea i thought of that when i went to bed, they are blackened death, i like black metal and i like death metal, they are definatly over rated, but words that go unsoken deeds that go undone is still a great album

i liked impressions in blood a lot, but i got bored of it after a month or so, their live in japan album is incredible though, they do such an amazing cover of slayer's raining blood:headbang:
Are you kidding me man? In Flames is more emo/nu metal than Death.

Grindcore is crap too btw, and not death metal.

Read the forum title dude
As I stated in earlier posts/forums. Grindcore can't be good unless it's mixed with something else. Even then it's pretty rare.
So you are the master of knowing what's what and what's good or not?

What the hell is emo/nu-death?

"As I stated in earlier posts/forums. Grindcore can't be good unless it's mixed with something else. Even then it's pretty rare."

You are so silly.
I started the forum. Go back to the beginning and read what it's about if "Death Metal Bands" escapes your silly little brain.

emo because of how whiney they are and nu metal because of how shit their music alone is. Piece it together pal
Hahaha. EmeticGore, apparently death metal is too holy thing for you to mess around with or you're just no good at telling if a post is written with a certain amount of sillyness after some severe usage of lord Alcoholness. I thought the typographical errors would've already given out that what I said was just plain bad humor :p

Ah liek Drak Tarnguility!!1
meh ithyphallic is ok. like i just think that track 1, 2, 4 and 7 are the only good songs. 3 is boring, 5 "eat of the dead" is even worse yet thats like everyones favorite song, which i dont understand at all. 6 is mid grade ok, i dont know, theyve definitly put out better. although the production of the album is their best yet, and they flow through different time signatures like nobodys business.
oh and i saw dark tranquility live once, they opened for opeth at the webster theater in ct. they were pretty good, but opeth owned the show. (duh)
Nile is and pretty much always has been amazing.

That Chthonian band is pretty good for having higher-end vocals

Anata is ok

Vader is pretty damn good, but there is something that seems "off" about them. Not sure what it is either.
I started the forum. Go back to the beginning and read what it's about if "Death Metal Bands" escapes your silly little brain.

emo because of how whiney they are and nu metal because of how shit their music alone is. Piece it together pal

Looks like you need to re-read what you type. And I'm talking about the last few posts...not the beginning of the "thread".

And I won't even talk to you about music because you simply seem so closed minded.

You newer guys act like your tough shit when you talk your music, it's ridiculous.