Death Metal

Who cares? Nile was probably more talented than them to begin with.

Personally, I prefer death metal albums and bands that sing about the universe, cosmos, space, the abstract and metaphysical, evolution, spirituality, mythology, nature,science ficton, ancient cultures, and psychology than those who sing about generic (and usually stupid) gore and violence. Their music tends to stand out a bit more.

I already listened to and enjoyed Psycroptic, Origin, Kronos, Mithras, Cynic, Odium, Death, Hypocrisy etc etc. Are their any others I am missing?

No offense or anything but you're kind of a fag.
The new Hate Eternal is...................alright? I dont know what to think about it. The first track was good though.
I know I've probably mentioned them a million times but EVERYONE NEEDS TO CHECK OUT HOODED MENACE! If you like doom/death like Asphyx, Divine Eve, Autopsy etc. you seriously need to listen to this band.

Good stuff mate! :kickass:

Someone seriously needs to reissue Crematory's (Swe) material, asap. Shit like this is fucking insanity:
Holy fuck! That's almost unrealistic

300$ for a cd...that's fucking crazy. I saw this cd a couple months ago in a used bin around here selling for like 10$ here but I didn't pick it up because the booklet and inlay were in pretty bad shape (didn't see the cd though but I guess it must not have been in great condition). Apparently I should have bought it anyway...maybe I could have made 100$ for a cd in bad shape. :lol:

Edit: In fact, I'm going to go there right after work just in case it's still there.
I just read that email sent out by Blood Harvest. Great News! I might hold off until the LP is released in March but if NWN! gets some copies I might get the CD as well. Should be killer!
Yeah, I've only got Chants of Grim Death 7" and the split 7" with Corrupt but they both are really good. I will probably pic up the album pretty soon.
I'll wait until Blood Harvest releases more things before I get the new Necrovation unless NWN gets it prior. I need to pick up the Katalysator demo as well.