Death Metal

So, you're going to pass up buying a shirt representative of a band's best material for a shirt from three shitty bands that have little to no good material?

Anyhow, I can get the IF shirt anytime, in all likelihood. And I happen to like those bands, especially vital remains.
I was just looking for something that everyone would agree on because I'm not looking for an argument over whether or not Braindrill suck.
Is anyone a fan of the old school Death/Thrash band Incubus who put out a couple albums about twenty years ago? Just brushing up on some of their material. Very nice. Check them out.
Is anyone a fan of the old school Death/Thrash band Incubus who put out a couple albums about twenty years ago? Just brushing up on some of their material. Very nice. Check them out.

Beyond The Unknown
is actually a very solid piece of death/thrash.

Also, I think the main reason all of these modern bands that have members who are very technically proficient, but can't write music is due to the fact that they are unexperienced, and they don't know that they are merely contributing to a trend that will (hopefully) be gone soon. They most likely listen to modern death metal for the high level of technicality, and br00tality (although they are unaware that it is really void of any real substance).

It is understandable, as I used to worship bands solely on how well they could play their instruments, but I have come to the realization that technical proficiency is beyond secondary to making music that contains genuine soul and artistic merit.
The rerecording isn't all that substantially different. The original is preferred, but I have no problem with the few parts that are changed and the rerecorded lyrics.
yes you do... get the first three
The video of the zombie priest is a good song :loco:

Good musicians making crap music = dumb trend among a lot of bands
Songwriting. Its something that people are terrible at.
I dont care how many sweeps you can do in 30 seconds. If your songwriting is shit... GTFO!!!
So many people think that, "if I dont use the verse, chorus, verse, chorus. and make something completely crazy! It will be awesome"