Death Metal


Why does no one speak about them ? In terms of the first wave of DM bands, they're about my favourite. They've turned out quality album after quality album, and have never felt the need to over-egg their music with intellectual pretensions.

That being said, I'm listening to the Promo for Xecutioners return, and I'm not sure if the new lead guitars are adding or detracting from the trade mark Obituary sound ?

Why does no one speak about them ? In terms of the first wave of DM bands, they're about my favourite. They've turned out quality album after quality album, and have never felt the need to over-egg their music with intellectual pretensions.

Too bad Obituary and Tardy are inseparable entities. I would have liked them more if that wasn't the case. They have several interesting leads here and there but Tardy's voice makes me laugh every time. From what I've gathered from fans it seems that John's voice is an integral part of Obituary's appeal. What an enigma:erk:

Why does no one speak about them ? In terms of the first wave of DM bands, they're about my favourite. They've turned out quality album after quality album, and have never felt the need to over-egg their music with intellectual pretensions.

That being said, I'm listening to the Promo for Xecutioners return, and I'm not sure if the new lead guitars are adding or detracting from the trade mark Obituary sound ?
Well, Slowly We Rot and Cause of Death Are Outstanding. The End Complete was good. And after that the albums got a bit weaker. However, I listened to their new one, and to me it sounds like probably their best since The End Complete.
World Demise is probably my favorite from Obituary. Definitely one of the most overlooked USDM bands.
Really? My favorite is Cause of Death, hands fucking down.

I remember when I was in high school (1991-1995) Obituary were the most popular death metal band. So they weren't overlooked back then. I liked them a lot, but prefered Dismember and Entombed.
Well, I recently got CoD and I'm still trying to get into it. It all sounds a little too samey for me...

I will give it a proper listen this evening as I won't be driving around.
Obituary had wider availability back then, because they were on Roadrunner which got into the mall stores... nothing underground like Entombed or Dismember would have.

It's still a good CD, but yes, very similar. Main idea change was ability to use slower parts, and make atmosphere.

Ah, 1992...
Roadrunner wasn't a mainstream label back then. And Earache, Nuclear Blast, Century Media, etc. could be found in bigger chain stores. But yeah, the truly underground stuff had to be ordered via mail order. I didn't listen to any super underground stuff back then, because I didn't have a credit card to order the super underground stuff, and the internet wasn't around to download music.