Death Metal

Tone's a little lighter than on Archaic Abbatoir/Slaughtered Apparatus, which were tuned down to Bb (I think, not sure). It's heavier, and the vocals sound a lot more like the vocals in Suffocation. Some parts remind of early Death a bit.

All of their shit is good in my opinion, but if you want the stuff where the core-elements are less present, then get their stuff up to, say, Goremageddon.
Yes, TPOP is great, but the new one is also good (in a very different, more melodic style).

New Fleshcrawl's a fucking keeper. Same as before, but still truckin'. I respect that, lots of hooks and catchiness but it's also very brutal and dominating. \m/

Also, everyone listen to Zonaria.

Very good Swedish modern DM.
Anybody heard the samples from Hail of Bullets? New death metal band with Martin Van Drunen on vocals and members of Gorefest and Thanatos. So far sounding like great old school death metal, I'll be looking forward to when they get an album out.

wasnt totally crazy for the vocals, but i still sounded good. couldnt they find the vocalist from gorefest? that guy roars.
Anybody heard the samples from Hail of Bullets? New death metal band with Martin Van Drunen on vocals and members of Gorefest and Thanatos. So far sounding like great old school death metal, I'll be looking forward to when they get an album out.

Not bad. Van Drunen is in fine form, and he's really the only reason I checked this out. I'll keep an eye out for this in the future.

wasnt totally crazy for the vocals

Don't be gay.
whilst i disagree, i still lol'd :lol:

Heheh, dude he is! His vocals have that really whiny "bleurgh" on the end of everything he says...can't stand that. Like I said, I think I was born too late so I didn't get into it properly.

The new Aborted is good, but The Purity Of Perversion will always be the best.