Death Metal

None So Vile, followed by Whisper Supremacy. Too bad Disalvo blows ass, or the album could have been a whole lot better.
None So Vile, followed by Whisper Supremacy. Too bad Disalvo blows ass, or the album could have been a whole lot better.

Actually, he sounds pretty awesome. Lord worm sound like a dog with a throat infection, and he makes my fucking head hurt. He's about as boring as listening to a necrophagist guitar solo.

If thier going to stick Lord Worm on the mic, they might aswell just not have any vocals at all.
I just stumbled upon Inquisitor's Walpurgis - Sabbath of Lust the other day. It's pretty rocking death/thrash but the vocals are...weird. The vocal style actually reminds me of !T.O.O.H.! and I don't know if I exactly like it or not. My first impression is that they annoy far more than anything else but this may change with more listens.
I remember that Inquisitor album being pretty good. On an unrelated note, did you enjoy the Sacrilegium album?

I've only listened to it a couple of times but my impressions so far are pretty positive. The production is slightly off-putting at first but I am hoping it will grow on me with more listens.