Death Metal

The God That Never Was is their second best album, then Indecent & Obscene, in my opinion. Some will rearrange those though...they are almost interchangeable to me. TGTNW is so damn good.
Gomorrah - Reflections Of Inanimate Matter is pretty fucking good, very odd riffage. The clips on top of the metal is kind of weird, and it takes some time to get used to.

I need to check out UK death metal more.
The God That Never Was is their second best album, then Indecent & Obscene, in my opinion. Some will rearrange those though...they are almost interchangeable to me. TGTNW is so damn good.

Indecent & Obscene is essential. I will be picking that album up soon enough.
Aside from Asphyx and Pestilence, I consider the Dutch Death Metal scene highly underrated. Even Thanatos hardly ever gets talked about. I recently acquired an amazing split between Eternal Solstice and Mourning. This is just ridiculously crushing Death Metal here. Then there's of course Sempiternal Deathreign and Castle, as well as Dead End, a band who essentially only managed to release a posthumous 7" single. Very strong material, it's unfortunate that they never made it past the demo stage while they were active.

Another great CD that I've recently acquired is by a Swiss band called Excruciation, a compilation of their early demo tracks put out by JL America. I have to give this a few more listens before I say any more about it though. I've also received Atrocity - Hallucinations, Decomposed - Hope Finally Died..., and Morpheus Descends - Ritual Of Infinity, but those have been discussed before.
aren't Sempiternal Deathreign death/doom?

oh and Dodens, are you a fan of Disharmonic Orchestra?