Death Metal

I honestly don't get the appeal, but I think the band is really boring (however, I realize they probably fucking ruled way back in the late 80s/early 90s...but I was born in '89 so tough luck for me...). Ah well. Just one of those things. I don't like Opeth either.
Only he doesn't play guitar...but other than that I find that they actually sound quite similar. Of course, no one else thinks so.
I know very few people would agree with me on this, but I think John Tardy is a better vocalist than Chuck Schuldiner.
I think Death wrote more interesting and engaging music than Obituary and I'm not all that bothered by its derivative nature or Chuck's vocals, which are pretty bad,to be honest, so yea, the analogy with Tardy does ring true.
Actually Obituary (as Xecutioner and Executioner) have been around about as long as Death.