Death Metal

Bands I have been listening to lately that are death metal:

Insision (are these guys still together?)
The Black Dahlia Murder (I consider them Death Metal :S)

That's pretty much it...

I gave Amorphis - Tales from The Thousand Lakes a listen today after having it on the shelves for quite some time. It still rocks! The compositions are a bit flowery, but the lead work is great. I finally have their debut coming in the mail and I'm excited to give it a listen.
I gave Amorphis - Tales from The Thousand Lakes a listen today after having it on the shelves for quite some time. It still rocks! The compositions are a bit flowery, but the lead work is great. I finally have their debut coming in the mail and I'm excited to give it a listen.

You've never listened to The Karelian Isthmus before? Man, judging by your tastes you'll absolutely love it. It's certainly one of the best OSDM albums ever recorded. Fucking classic, not to mention leagues ahead of Tales...
You've never listened to The Karelian Isthmus before? Man, judging by your tastes you'll absolutely love it. It's certainly one of the best OSDM albums ever recorded. Fucking classic, not to mention leagues ahead of Tales...

Yeah, it's a bit sad. Sometimes I get too caught up in getting modern releases that I neglect the more essential ones. I'm beginning fix that though.
You've never listened to The Karelian Isthmus before? Man, judging by your tastes you'll absolutely love it. It's certainly one of the best OSDM albums ever recorded. Fucking classic, not to mention leagues ahead of Tales...

I didn't like Tales... much at all. I just found it uninspired. The Karelian Isthmus is easily in the top ten death metal albums of all time, though.
So the place distroing the new fucking Seamount DLP is stocking TRAUMATIC FUCKING VOYAGE CDS. Too bad shipping to the US for anything is like 10-20