Death Metal

alright...who the fuck mentioned August Moon? I randomly found it on my computer and love it. Somebody here had to have mentioned them
Top 3 songs from Unleashed `hammer battalion which is a masterpiece.

1. Black Horizon
2. Warriors of Midgard
3. Midsummer Solstice
Yeah, I know the dude from Grenade. Tis a local band. He gave me a free copy of the full length. It's fucking great (not death metal though, I just realised what thread this is).
Amon Amarth by far is my fav...just now getting into the Death Metal scene, but everything I have heard from them is amazing. My boss is good friends with Karl Sanders from Nile though, (he is from my hometown) so I am getting some insight into the whole Genre. From what I have heard, when they are in the studio, the other bands leave because they can't hear
Uncanny `splenium for nyktophobia is top notch death metal and it's to bad I lost my copy because it's really fucking good. One of the guitarist Fredrick later joined Katatonia.
Excellent mid-period/death metal-era Carcass worship:

Golem - Eternity: The Weeping Horizons

Slays. 'nuff said. Wish Dreamweaver was even close to it, as I want to love it.