Death Metal

I have not heard the album in awile and remember it being really awesome. I only have the Piece of Time reissue.
no one's mentioned the chasm for a bit. i'll just go ahead and assume everyone has 'deathcult' and that most of you love it but one or two knobjockeys have had a whine about how THE GUITARS ARE OUT OF TUNE or the melodies are TOO THEATRICAL
Deathcult is brilliant, but I find myself spinning Conjuration more often, mostly due to the more palatable production.
as much as i love 'conjuration' (and most of their other material) i don't think it's in the same league as 'deathcult', that album is absolute magic, the songwriting is beyond belief and the moods are so sprawlingly wild and mystical - pretty much without comparison. 'conjuration' isn't quite as distinctive (production included) or fucking epic, even though it's one of the most distinctive and epic albums of the last 10 years
Deathcult is the best, but it would be even better with better production. The production is a bit raw, and is more fitting of a black metal CD. I find The Spell of Retribution and Conjuration of the Spectral Empire to be pretty much equal. Anything before Deathcult has such bad production that it detracts greatly from the quality of the album.
i don't mind the production of early chasm, it's got this arcane obscure feel about it which always appeals to me - no, my problem with early chasm is that it's a huge fucking mess. i can appreciate that to an extent, but there's a point where 'wild' crosses the line and becomes 'opeth', and they crossed that line too often back then. not that they aren't good albums, i suppose i feel like all other chasm is sort of rendered redundant by the brilliance of 'deathcult', it covers all angles

and yeah, 'the spell of retribution' is almost as good as 'conjuration' - i'd like to hear an album with production somewhere in between the two though
I wouldn't say that the production on Retribution is too polished. Death metal sounds good with clean production, especially if there is lots of intricate picking/guitar work, as is the case on the album. I wonder what the next Chasm album will be like. It's been almost four years since Retribution, so hopefully it will be out soon.
After reading all your comments regarding The Chasm, I wanted to listen to Deahtcult so I grab my copy. I open it and the CD is gone...I have the case and inserts but the cd is gone. How the fuck can I lose a cd? I only listen to cd in my stereo system or in my car. I am truly puzzled and pretty mad that I lost it. Why couldn't I lose a cd that I don't like. :(
Isn't one of the members battling cancer right now or something?

The thought one of them had a liver or kidney problem or something, but the band only saw it as an incentive to remain a studio band with only some occasional live appearances. I wouldn't swear on it, though...

That said, I still listen to The Chasm regularly.
I don't like the production on Deathcult at all. I agree with those who say that the guitars sound out of tune. The album has its moments though. Conjuration of Spectral Empire is way better and has much smoother flow from what I remember. Haven't listened to the album in a while, I should revisit it.