Death Metal

it strikes me as funny that people would rather write off an album as shitty before it ever comes out, then just assume that hey maybe they didnt pick the best track to release.

Odds are they didn't create a great album and decide to release the one shit track in advance. Even if every other track was slightly better than this it would still be a waste to bother with. I'm not just bashing them, I like Amon Amarth, but they have to do way better than that.
Been trying to find "Converging Conspiracies" by them but cant find it,anyone?

Well I was asking because someone offers all their three cds on Unfortunately for you he doesn't accept sending cds internationally so you'll have to look elsewhere.
^The promo songs sound really good, they are much more aggressive then anything on With Oden On Our Side. Can't wait for the full release.

Word on the (street/AA forum where everyone else has heard it the thing) is that it's gonna fucking own, more with the death metal and brutal bits a la asator but of course more of them epic melodies and stuff.