Death Metal

guys is there any way to know most of the released death-metal albums this year ... like an archive or something to discover more bands ......
And they're also playing on Way of Darkness with Asphyx, Entombed, Possessed and Nominon. Another show I'll fucking miss.
Does anyone have or no where I can find the lyrics to Revenant's Prophecies of a Dying World? I have to design an album cover (including booklet) for an existing or made up band for a tafe assignment. I chose this album so I can do some sweet 'Lovecraftian' inspired art. Worse comes to worse I can sit there and work it all out myself, the vocals are fairly understandable. But I just don't want to. :p

Appreciate any help.
Which records have your favorite growls? I will go with Dark Recollections with Carnage,he never sang as good in Dismember if you ask me. Also Dawn of Possession by Immolation has some sick growls.
Yeah, Kaerki's vocals in Carnage rule. I'd also have to say the new Necrovation contains some of the coolest fucking vocals ever!