Death Metal

Tomi Koivusaari on Amorphis' The Karelian Isthmus.
Luc Lemay's on Gorguts' Obscura
Christopher Johnsson on Therion's Beyond Sanctorum
But you're halfway there, which is pretty good. Keep truckin'.

And yeah the new DOF song is beyond absolutely fucking atrociously bad to the 500th degree. OMG so bad. They really got anally raped by influence from fellow Californian tech bands, so hard they they forgot how to write interestingly patterned, surreal and weird death metal and became shitty 65th rate "tech death w/ teh br00tal brakdown" and the most annoying fucking bass dives ever and Erik's vocals suck and everything is wanky and gross and holy shit, just no.

Cyth: sometimes, Psycroptic is kinda fun, even groovy. This was just...inexcusably horrible, exhaustive,'re fucking right, ANNOYING.
I've had one of their old releases for a while now. It is called Daimonion or whatever. I remember liking it enough to keep them in mind, but never got anything else until I just got these:

Suffocated In Slumber
Imperfect Like A God

I listened to Suffocated first, and heard some good stuff, but wasn't really blown away. But this first time through Imperfect... shows they really seem to have stepped it up. Hard to say for sure until I get familiar, but it was definitely more immediately appealing.
Question 52:
Do you consider Unanimated's Ancient God of Evil one of the 50 best death metal releases or do you disagree with that statement?




The clock is ticking.