Death Metal

EXACTLY..their consistency really made them good, they were always likely to churn out great fast, confusing and engaging death metal that appealed to both intellectuals listening to metal to analyze it like ANUS etc and people just in the market for some riffs and fast blasting.
Question 52:
Do you consider Unanimated's Ancient God of Evil one of the 50 best death metal releases or do you disagree with that statement?




The clock is ticking.


that darkestrah street teamer david might say otherwise though

virtually all deeds of flesh i've heard has been good, i'm not touching that new song with a barge pole 'cause i saw the word "psycroptic"

soulside journey is such a strange otherworldly abyssal DM album (esp. for its time), its power doesn't hit you through conventional channels, it takes some getting into for sure
Dude, listen to it, it's fucking ridiculously bad!! You have to experience it!

Soulside is a truly magical death metal's definitely amazing in every way.
I'm with you, Hatebreeder. DoF to me sounds just like regular BDM with a muddy production. Some doomy breaks could have at least made it decent, but as it is, this hyperblast stuff just isn't for me. I can't even distinguish between the tracks.
Jesus fuck...the is all I can be arsed to do atm.

Prophecy Of A Dying World

I spoke to horrors of a dying planet
Creatures of a drying sea
Nature was forever altered, warped by reality
A truth to me was then revealed, born on the wings of destiny

Decaying in my silent grave
I spoke to kings of heirless thrones
An oath to me there was sung
The prophecy of their bones

I saw by the light of a dying sun
A world drowned in blood

Descent into ancient crypts of purity unpolluted
Transformed to a point of light my essence reconstituted
I prepare to carry my burden, prophet of a dying world

Into the endless continuum
Fated servant to mankind
Born predestined to let sound
The herald of our doom

"And the empires will rise and grow mighty,
Engulfing all humanity in their tireless domination, erasing
The past and twisting the ancient tombs forgotten
Spirits will wither and die, and from the dust of these
Crypts there shall rise an entity born of vengeful winds,
And from his soul beings will spew forth, abominations
Of consciousness who will corrupt and weaken the world,
Twisting dreams into nightmares, creating new pain, a suffering
That will last forever, and curse our lives through all time...

Apocalyptic visions invade, and the grave opens before me...

I ascend from eternal crypts my purity reinstated
Cleansed of my human faults
I accept the existence to which I am fated

Returned to my silent grave
Mute witness to our end
An oath it is that I now sing
The harmony of my suffering
I speak to those who shall forever be
Twisted spirits who refuse to die
Skeletons of forgotten kings
In swollen tombs of man they lie

I see by the light of a dying sun
A world drowning in blood..."


Within the tombs of the centuries
The gods of the void awaken
What has past is retribution
The mirror of our damnation

In the seeds of time
Negative beings leave their spawn
Demented obscenities manifest
Ravenous appetite led by insanity
- A thousand years of misery

In the seeds of time
My image appears in fury
Raging through the centuries
To avenge my progenitors
For now that I am free
The time is at hand
No safety in my judgement
When my vengeance engulfs the eart

Damnation born upon pestilent winds
Unleashing the fury of those reborn

Armageddon descends upon apocalyptic horses
Driven by warriors of hate

Emissaries of vengeance ride forth from the sun
Flames consume our dying worlds

And all the blood shed by the past
In violent glory shall cleanse the earth at last

SPAWN - malevolent beings rise
Ghastly hunger in their eyes

SPAWN - The breed of abhorrence
Mankind's abomination

SPAWN - Devourers of the earth
Creatures of the abyss

SPAWN - Precursors to our failure
Children of the beyond

Ancestral Shadows

Awoken from dormancy I find myself alone
Standing in primordial ruin
Of an ancestry unknown, a race of elder gods

Dreams caress my agony as I live in decay
My spirit pines for a time before humanity

Voices haunt my sleep
As I travel by the moon
Vibrations from the dawn of time
Shadows beckon me

Cannot resit my heritage
I leave behind a corpse
Torn back through the ages
Through the memories and dust

To lands of ancestral shadows...

Arrived my visions a reality
My reign to survive eternity
An emperor of chaos
A ghost of insanity

Enthroned I am now king
Dominating prehistory
A forgotten lord of blasphemy
But soon the time shall come
When I awake in frenzy
To slaughter the invaders
Known to me as man

The Unearthly (A Quest)

I am sinking into caverns of my mind
Dark abyss has opened
Into breathless midnight
I lose identity

Subterranean descent into ultra conscious non existence

Abstractions are elusive, reality confining
Illusions are redefining
As I approach my genetic core
As I approach the unearthly

World of grotesque images
Abrasive complexities threaten
Symbolic metaphors approach
Thoughts devour thoughts

Through my being unexplored
Times ceases continuity
Shroud of weightless life
Plunging into depths unknown

The unearthly - Isolated within

Sub atomic reasoning
Creatures uncertain distances
Between reality and consciousness
Temporal existence disintegrates into micro molecular infinity
Representations of ideas cloud eternal skies beyond the minds eye

Thoughts devour, thoughts devour, thoughts devour...

Asphyxiated Time

Frozen for eternity, awakened to avenge
From the snake tombs I arise, inseminating chaos
Summoned through astral time, to lay siege to existence

Where man now walks I shall walk again
Humanity enslaved in infinite paradox

I rise through the waves
Set fire to the skies
I am the ageless one
Asphyxiating time

Scream my name upon the winds
It is the dawn of the returning hate
I clock the lands in black
Domination is eternal

He who once was, I shall be absolute
The infernal ways they are the burning truth

I rise through the waves set fire to the skies I am the
ageless one asphyxiating time

Crystal skies reflect seas of blood
Entombed in mountains of dying flesh
Twisted into unnatural forms of life
Grotesque shapes display our inner thoughts

At redemption the red judge laughs for the atrocities committed by humanity
How can we expect to live when all we ask is to die?
Mercy is erased, unforgiven, we die in sin

I have risen from the waves
The skies writhe in flames
I am among you now
Asphyxiating time
May I ask what purpose that post served?

Perhaps generic isn't the right term, but it seems there's a lot of wasted energy in it. Most bands seem to have a vague direction and unification within an album, but Deeds of Flesh lack that, IMO. It's like collecting your own sperm in case your wife wants to have a child.
Perhaps generic isn't the right term, but it seems there's a lot of wasted energy in it. Most bands seem to have a vague direction and unification within an album, but Deeds of Flesh lack that, IMO. It's like collecting your own sperm in case your wife wants to have a child.
Are we listening to the same band? I don't get that impression at all.
I'm with you, Hatebreeder. DoF to me sounds just like regular BDM with a muddy production. Some doomy breaks could have at least made it decent, but as it is, this hyperblast stuff just isn't for me. I can't even distinguish between the tracks.

I can't distinguish songs apart with any brutal DM band and can't listen to an album where the songs do not sound different and there is not different types of songs in general,etc..

The new song just keeps getting better and better! You have truly reinvented yourself in a way that exceeds any of my personal expectations, but still keeping the core sound of Deeds of Flesh! If not in Norway I hope to see you guys live somewhere in scandinavia soon!

You were fucking ace :(
EDIT: Maybe an overexaggeration. But you get the point.
ok ive caved in and clicked the link, this had better be worth it

lol yeah this sucks but it's not quite as bad as psycroptic, i knew i was gonna end up saying that