Death Metal

Carbonized's Disharmonization rules, we like Atheist meets Therion meets whacky jazz/funk outbreaks.

try their debut if you like that one. i went through a phase of disliking carbonized and then a phase of liking them, don't know how i feel about them now. i'll have to revisit this stuff.
I haven't read this whole thread, but for those of you who haven't heard Decrepit Birth's new album, Diminishing Between Worlds, do so immediately, it's the best Death metal album in recent memory. Simply amazing.
Here is my top ten for the year, in no order:

Zero Hour-Dark Deceiver
Serenity-Fallen Sanctuary
Amon Amarth-Twilight Of The Thunder God
Testament-The Formation Of Damnation
Decrepit Birth-Diminishing Between Worlds
Iced Earth-The Crucible Of Man
Melvins-Nude With Boots
Cynic-Traced In Air