Death Metal

Newer Grave sucks, quite frankly. Dismember and Unleashed have a pretty "hit or miss" discography but I honestly don't find any of Grave's post-You'll Never See... albums redeeming in any way.

I view Dismember the sameway you view Grave as not finding any redeeming qualities after their first two albums. I like the last few Grave and Unleashed albums a lot.
I view Dismember the sameway you view Grave as not finding any redeeming qualities after their first two albums. I like the last few Grave and Unleashed albums a lot.

The last two Unleashed albums were pretty cool so I won't disagree with you there. I find Dismember to be pretty consistant, actually. They've released a few weak albums here and there but most of their stuff is quality.
It's quality if you like melodic DM which I like just do not care for Dismember and their take on melody after the first 2 albums.
I just listened to the new Evocation again(3rd time) and it completely slays Tales From The Tomb. awesome album