Death Metal

Forget Bloodbath.

I was listening to some Gorguts the other day. And even though they've had heavy rotation with me for the last couple years, I've not grow tired of hearing them. Those first couple albums are just mind blowingly awesome stuff.
Just saw two new Chasm reviews on MA from empyreal. He's one of the only people around who has the range of and specific taste that I do and I usually enjoy his reviews for the most part, but I have to say I'm confused that 'Procession to the Infraworld' was rated much higher than 'Deathcult'. I've sat absorbing 'Procession..' for hours and not one song stuck to me at all, whereas I could probably recite 'Deathcult' for you from start to finish. Am I crazy, is the album really their masterpiece? I think it's their worst release, I just haven't found anything memorable at all, it's bizarre...

i know other people who think the same. i agree with you but i'll have to revisit procession at some point.
Those Once Loyal is certainly the catchiest, but I seem to prefer the old-school sound on Warmaster or Realm of Chaos.
the first two and 'those once loyal' are my favourites, and i think 'for victory' is the summation of their middle period if you can call it that. 'warmaster' is actually prob my least favourite after 'mercenary', still solid though - this is bolt thrower we're talking about after all.

if i could only recommend one it'd be



realm of chaos is fantastic, looks great in picture disc format ;)

Bolt Thrower hardly falter on any of their releases, they hit hard in the early days and left many speechless, great live act too. Realm is my default favourite but for some time now I've been particularly fond of For Victory though I've not given the newer material much attention. I should rectify this but not before I watch that Unleashed clip again.

Oh & the Chasm is pure excellence on Deathcult but everyone has their own opinion.