Death Metal

Who said it was your yard. You don't even bother checking out certain bands for once. Some of you guys just disregard certain bands for whatever reason. :mad:
Just shut the fuck up no one cares about the band you posted get over it thanks.

Deeds of Flesh were awesome until that new abomination they put out.
... Whats the point of a community that doesn't try things new even. OR perhaps GIVE shit a few tries even. I thought thats what it;s all about. Lets not get all hipocritical over such bullshit. Sure maybe its one stupid band post but its a fucking band nothing else. Listen to it, and if you don't like it FINE but give other people a chance to check them out
They have a chance, me saying shut the fuck up to you doesn't in any way prevent people from checking them out and I didn't delete your post so get over it and if you don't like it the door is up there disguised as the address bar; navigate to another corner of the Internet.
Oh big man... You got quite a load to say but you misunderstand that this is a metal community. And I think all metalheads including you and I should endure the time and the excitement of this fantastic forum. Bullshiting is a mere waste of time and completely uneccessary. I'm quite sure you and I dont' want to bullshit especially on a thread like this. Thanks to this forum I have gotten plenty of good band recommendations. Some I haven't checked out and much looking forward to. Oh and Ministry of Metal was pretty good too. Thanks Zeph.
That's nice and all, but I am actually one of two moderators on this particular forum, I've been keeping track of your activity, and I originally defended you as just being a foolhardy noob to the online metal community/scene so I just let your dumb comments pass and, yes, even put up with your stupidly belligerent nature which was endearing especially when you attempted to argue finer points of things with people who easily tore you apart. I don't "misunderstand" anything; nobody here likes you, and you need to shape up or ship out. As people have pointed out, you're grossly condescending, startlingly not knowledgeable despite claims that you know a lot about metal, and you randomly pick fights you can't win. I think YOU are the one that misunderstands, as, how you are now, you hardly fit in. Consider this a warning; become a better poster/community member, or you're gone as far as I can tell. I can't directly ban you but I can point out to the administrator how much of a problem you've been and how many people find you to be irrelevant and bothersome.
:ill:... Your being a bit harsh. And I am quite sure I won more arguements rather than lost. And I will bring them up if you like. Not hat i will argue about them but i will refer to the topics.
How about this. Lets just move on with our lives and stay on topic. I really don't like arguing in the matter. But I also have the right to defend my discussion. Just let it be V5
I think you should follow your own advice, and should have "let it be" when people would not check out the band you recommended. Not everyone has to do everything you want them to do, and they're allowed to express adversity to your recommendations. You being a crybaby about it is not cool though.
True... I'll agree on you with that. Maybe I was a bit carried away about WAHDJ. It's not that they stink, some people don't really like their style and I'm ok with that. Now I'm happy we let this go. Back to the topic of the thread please?

So what are your opinions on the new Thanatos album? Justified Genocide.
TotalDeathXZero, another thing you should try to avoid doing is having every other post in every thread that you post in. It makes you seem like a tryhard, especially since none of your posts contain very much substance at all.
Eh I primarily stick to 3 threads. I don't usually hop around much unless theres something good to argue about in another thread. I mainly stick the the Death/Black metal thread and somtimes flip around the contraversial thread. At other times yea ill roam around and communicate on another thread. Thast the likely hood of being on a forum. Theres always a good amount of places to discuss whatever topic. That or you can make a thread pertaining to it.
I agree with this constructive criticism. I haven't heard the new Thanatos but I recall you (TDXZ) mentioning Sinister's newest in some thread (this one?). That was very impressive. I liked Afterburner also but The Silent Howling might just be even better.
Yea I listened to The Silent Howling a few times. But I flipped through Benediction's Latest as well. Killing Music. Thats a good album too. In fact I recommend most of the work by either band. Fairly brutal and satisfying.