Death Metal

S.U.A.D., what you fail to understand is that your opinion that Demilich's music is standard is actually objectively wrong, since it's so different from most other death metal in the way that it's played, something that doesn't vary based on opinions. :)
An excellent band, and another one that gets a lot of flak from dm fans. I can understand why, but fuckin A I love Necro's albums and musicianship. It's interesting to see them live as well, they play loud, but low enough to where you can hear every single note being played. Awesome band.
Definitly. One of the sickest Tech death bands. They got a new album comming out sometime this year :p


Vomitory's new album - Carnage Eurphoria comming out in May :zombie:
The Chasm are alright. They sound like slayer mixed with black metal to me more than a DM band and their production jobs make it pretty hard to get into them and are very thin and low-fi in a sense of black metal sound.

Well this post isn't entirely wrong, seeing as how the Slayerisms do exist in their music (being most heavily found in their material after Deathcult anyways), but their sound is still wholly death metal. Very unique band through and through, and consistently one of the absolute best.

Also: S.U.A.D. and TotalDeathXZero

Regarding Slayerisms in The Chasm's music, is it just me or is the first part of "Dark Cloud" effectively an equally awesome rendition of "Angel of Death"? Part of the reason I love Deathcult so much lies within the production. It's murky and almost cavernous, which lends itself to being totally grand and fucking awesome.
yeah the start of dark cloud is among the most obvious slayer references on what is easily their most slayerish album. i love the chasm so much, maybe my favourite metal band. discography is littered with masterpieces major and minor.
You should check out the bands "Kill Yourself" and "Stop Posting, Retard" because they'd probably be right up your alley. :)


I checked their myspace... and... you're a bastard for taking me away from Funerus ~ Festering Earth for that.