Death Metal

I think since Krow listened to the band and perhaps Omni. I think I would be interested in what they have to say. Then perhaps I'll change my mind if the point is valid enough :lol:
I know what you mean, thats one of my biggest turn offs for Wormed too.

I absolutely hate lame attempt at sounding "brutal". I've now listened to all the Demilich tracks, and my opinion still stands, at best this stuff is meh. Cool music-wise, but still nothing exceptional at all.

Every time you mention Human Mincer, I get embarrassed that I still do not own that album.
No. Just no. You people sicken me. I am filled with an all encompassing rage. These opinions make my blood boil and my skin crawl. Those who hold them should be killed.

Controversial opinion: Phlegeton (of Wormed and Human Mincer) is the best extreme metal vocalist today

Stop being fucking butthurt you stupid fucking nerdbitch. Your opinion was stupid and people pointed it out. Let's move on FFS.
I was going to say something similiar (maybe avoiding "fucking nerdbitch") but I agree. S.U.A.D stop getting defensive any time someone challenges what you have to say. This is a discussion forum not an AA meeting. We're not just going to say "thanks for sharing" after every post, especially in this thread.
No. Just no. You people sicken me. I am filled with an all encompassing rage. These opinions make my blood boil and my skin crawl. Those who hold them should be killed.

Controversial opinion: Phlegeton (of Wormed and Human Mincer) is the best extreme metal vocalist today

I was going to say something similiar (maybe avoiding "fucking nerdbitch") but I agree. S.U.A.D stop getting defensive any time someone challenges what you have to say. This is a discussion forum not an AA meeting. We're not just going to say "thanks for sharing" after every post, especially in this thread.
I don't have any problems with someone challenging what I have to say at all. I DO have a problem with someone acting like they're in middle school, that shit's for children. For example:

Phlegeton sucks in my opinion.

much different from:

you're a fucking total pussy idiot because you like that douchebag.

Seems quite comprehensible to me to act like a human being. It's the internet, man, save the acting like a tough guy bit for real life, know what I mean? No one is impressed by someone acting aggressive in cyberspace, and if they are, they don't get out much.
Controversial: Volcano is better than Dark Medieval Times

Volcano kinda sounds like Altars era Trey, and a thrash band that occasionally throws out a decent riff here and there despite sounding like someone cut their speed to 1/2.

A Death Metal question..... what's the best Death Metal album that's been put out in the last year ?
A Death Metal question..... what's the best Death Metal album that's been put out in the last year ?

Given that the Dead Congregation and Deathevokation albums are both over a year old now, I'm going to say Shackles - Traitor's Gate. I still need to hear the new Excoriate album though, which could quite possibly overtake Shackles.
I don't have any problems with someone challenging what I have to say at all. I DO have a problem with someone acting like they're in middle school, that shit's for children. For example:

Phlegeton sucks in my opinion.

much different from:

you're a fucking total pussy idiot because you like that douchebag.

Seems quite comprehensible to me to act like a human being. It's the internet, man, save the acting like a tough guy bit for real life, know what I mean? No one is impressed by someone acting aggressive in cyberspace, and if they are, they don't get out much.
All I'm saying is grow a thicker skin. It's just as childish to complain that someone called you a faggot as it is to actually do the name calling. As you said it's the internet so get over it and prove you maturity by making reasonable points and treating others with respect instead of complaining every time someone insults you.
Given that the Dead Congregation and Deathevokation albums are both over a year old now, I'm going to say Shackles - Traitor's Gate. I still need to hear the new Excoriate album though, which could quite possibly overtake Shackles.

Necrovation and Tribulation are both contenders.
As a rule, I generally avoid bands who have sentences for names.

For fucks sake its a recommendation. Check it the fuck out. I assure you they don't suck. IMO I think they sound great for a band that doesn't have a label. At least i think they don't have a label.
Ugh... You have a bad sense of judgement. I really think WAHDJ has quite unique riffs that can be quite technical. The vocals aren't half bad either. How can you not like it... i'ts not like that bullshit like JFACB that band is a turn off on the other hand