Death Metal


Loch Vostok "Reveal No Secrets" PRE-ORDER

( Nightmare Records )

UPC: 734923006121
Cat#: NMR-502
Genre: Melodic Death Metal
Release Date: June 2, 2009
Audio Samples!


This is Swedish Melodic Death Progressive Metal at its best; This cd has it all, powerful guitars, brilliant technical passages and vocals from hell… if you like great melodic death metal this is your cd to get NOW. Heavy riffs and melodical refrains build a masterpiece. Another brilliant band located by US based Nightmare Records. For fans of Children of Bodom, In Flames & Arch Enemy.

LOCH VOSTOK , named after a subterranean lake in Antarctica, rose out of the collapse of Progressive Metal band Mayadome in 2001. After 10 years Drummer Teddy Möller was tired of the cheese and decided to start something more meaty, hence LOCH VOSTOK was born.

Three core members, Mayadome founder Teddy Möller, Keyboardist Sebastian Okupski and Bass Player Erik Grandin set about formulating a new act. Möller would switch from his erstwhile role as a Drummer to that of Lead Vocalist/Guitarist and with the incorporation of former Ramrod, 5 Steps Ahead and El Presidente guitarist Niklas Kupper alongside ex-Azotic Reign, 5 Steps Ahead, El Presidente and Imperial Domain drummer Alvaro Torres the band was complete. However, Grandin was to relocate to the USA and so former Mellow Poetry guitarist Tomas "Tym" Jonsson stepped in to fill the bass vacancy.

Utilising producer Daniel Bergstrand LOCH VOSTOK cut a self financed album 'Dark Logic' entirely based upon infamous serial killers such as Henry Lee Lucas, Andreij Tzjikatilo and Ed Gein. The first label to pick up the album for distribution would be the Russian concern CD-Maximum.

Shortly after the Russian release, Portugese label Magnetism Records contracted LOCH VOSTOK , and released 'Dark Logic' worldwide August 1st 2004.

Sebastian Okupski decided to focus on his cover band "Bulldog" and is keeping himself busy with that, so LOCH VOSTOK then decided to find another keyboardist for the band. Andreas Lindahl from fellow-Swedish metal act Platitude offered his services. He played some live shows and recorded the new album with LOCH VOSTOK but then decided to leave because of the distance between Gothenburg, where he lives, and Uppsala where the other guys live and rehearse.

LOCH VOSTOK is a real band, not just another project, so they had every intention of finding a real full time member, who was also willing to take part in the whole songwriting process. Anima Morte keyboardist/composer Fredrik Klingwall had been a friend of Teddy and Niklas for quite a while since he recorded two demos and an album at Teddy's Blueflame Productions. They already got along real well, and was asked to join LOCH VOSTOK. Luckily he said "ja för fan" (wich roughly translates to Fuck yeah) and so, another chapter started.

They released the critically acclaimed “Destruction Time Again” worldwide through Escapi Music and immediately went on tour with King Diamond in April 2006. The tour was a success and generated more high-profile shows like Sweden Rock Festival and the Tattoo Boat Cruise of the Swedish/Finnish archipelago. In 2007 they started the recording of their third album, “Reveal No Secrets” but due to Escapi Music folding, they had to start the search for a new label, Intromental Management worked their asses off to get the best deal possible, and the winning bid came from US label Nightmare Records. Loch Vostok finished the recording in the fall of 2008.

Reveal No Secrets is a concept album about the loss of liberty in society today, and inspired by various conspiracy theories. It was once again recorded at Blueflame Productions, produced by Vostok and Teddy, and then mastered by Great Scot! Audio…
Remains to say: Loch Vostok is back! With new sound and a new band!

Track Listing:
1. Loss of Liberty 3:44
2. Energy Taboo 7:16
3. Dig Deeper 5:29
4. Uncompassion 5:13
5. Thirty Years 5:30
6. Raiders of the Lost Heart 6:03
7. Blindfolds Off 5:39
8. What Once Was 5:02
9. Breakthru 7:50


26: DE – Hamburg - Markthalle
28: CH – Pratteln – Z7
30: SLO – Kranj - Bazen

01: ITA – Bologna – Rock City
03: DE – Aschaffenburg – Colossaal
04: NL – Hellendoorn – De Lantaarn (as support for Forbidden)
05: DE – Flensburg - Roxy
That was okay... seemed really rough though... and none of you are Mikael... but not terrible by any means.

So Krisiun... what if anything is worth hearing by them? I'm curious and didnt want to post an entire thread in the music recs forum for one band.
You could have made a thread called Brazilian Death Metal Recs Needed or something and gotten Krisiun + a SHITLOAD of bands that sound like them though...:lol:
I randomly downloaded this EP from DMI because I read "Old School Death Metal" and thought the art looked cool (I don't normally download random shit like this), but fuck, this is actually pretty damn cool. It has hints of finnish DM in it and a really fucking sinister atmosphere.

Yeah. I'm probably just a faggot but whatever.
That... is mildly interesting.
Those riffs at the beginning of the first song... the only thing I can compare those to are Demilich and Demigod. o_O

Oh, and obligatory "downloading music is bad you faggot but i secretly do it anyway" comment.
Not exactly what I meant... it's just the people that bitch about music downloading... but still do it themselves are quite irritating.

*shrugs* Unless you buy it directly from the band you arent really helping them anyway... I'll buy a shirt and advertise instead.
Kinda random, but do you guys think there's a chance of Decapitated releasing an album in the future? I've been thinking about this because I listened to them for the first time in a while, and on their Myspace Vogg said he wants to continue it, and is having people rehearse for him or something. Sounds kind of doubtful, but you never know I guess.
Vitek is pretty hard to replace, but as long as Vogg is in, I think it still has potential to be awesome...I've always loved his riffing haha.
So Krisiun... what if anything is worth hearing by them? I'm curious and didnt want to post an entire thread in the music recs forum for one band.

Four words: Black Force Motherfucking Domain

No other Krisiun album is equal to this one.
Kinda random, but do you guys think there's a chance of Decapitated releasing an album in the future? I've been thinking about this because I listened to them for the first time in a while, and on their Myspace Vogg said he wants to continue it, and is having people rehearse for him or something. Sounds kind of doubtful, but you never know I guess.
Vitek is pretty hard to replace, but as long as Vogg is in, I think it still has potential to be awesome...I've always loved his riffing haha.
They could have a new album and come back refreshed, and hopefully with Sauron. I can growl better than Covan. :lol:
Speaking of Aussie death metal, I'm really happy to have finally figured out where the sample at the beginning of the Shackles song "Exorcised Remains" is from. It's actually from a 1974 movie called Stone that looks pretty cool. :)

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That movie looks amazing. I'm ashamed to say I had no idea that's where the quote came from, and will have to watch it as soon as possible. That scream of "SAATAAAAAAANN" is perfection.

edit: Haha, wow. I knew I'd seen this somewhere. A quick look at my Dad's DVD collection and there it is. Doesn't suprise me at all.
They sound like spazzy yet in-control tech death/grind stuff. Lots of pinch harmonics and time changes. They rock, check 'em out.