Death Metal

I don't really give a fuck about "scene" or any of that. If I ever did care I quit caring; so I probably never cared. I think this chick is hot & she's the best female in her line of work I've ever probably seen, unless you want to include that one super brutal dyke chick from that one raw death band that I forgot the name of :p I don't like this song particulary, but it interested me. Had like 3 coolz brakedowns in 1 songg.

Go ahead & flame; I think this is one of the best "deathcore" (right???) songs I've ever heard.

Just stop.
I don't really give a fuck about "scene" or any of that. If I ever did care I quit caring; so I probably never cared. I think this chick is hot & she's the best female in her line of work I've ever probably seen, unless you want to include that one super brutal dyke chick from that one raw death band that I forgot the name of :p I don't like this song particulary, but it interested me. Had like 3 coolz brakedowns in 1 songg.

Go ahead & flame; I think this is one of the best "deathcore" (right???) songs I've ever heard.

Wrong thread.