Death Metal

Yeah, same here. One thing i dislike is the atrocious artwork, but i'm very happy that the original version of Blod-draum is being included so that makes up for it.
You haven't searched deeply enough

You're right, I hardly listen to any deathcore. I only know of like 10 deathcore bands tops, & only I think one of them was actually remotely interesting sounding.

The chick in The Agonist sounds like she's trying too hard to sound like Arch Enemy or something.

This, I disagree with. Totally different singing style.

Anyways, I'm done talking about this band now. I don't even really care much for them, I just thought they were unique in a perverted sense.
Can you name some good bands from Quebec then? Beyond Gorguts and maybe Fuck the Facts I can't really. Cryptopsy only have one good album and there is so much shit like Beneath the Massacre.

Fuck the Facts are from Ontario (Ottawa to be exact). Unless they relocated recently...

Good bands from Qc: Soothsayer, Aggression, Augury, Voivod, Demence, Kralizec, Martyr, Necronomicon, Quo Vadis, Purulence, kataklysm...probably some others that I can't remember at the moment. My favorite is by far Gorguts but you mentionned them.