Death Metal

Can you name some good bands from Quebec then? Beyond Gorguts and maybe Fuck the Facts I can't really. Cryptopsy only have one good album and there is so much shit like Beneath the Massacre.

Sorcier Des Glaces, probably my favorite band Quebec.
Rush and Blasphemy both rule but the correct answer is Gorguts.

On the topic of death metal, has anyone heard something recent that's similar to Father Befouled's latest full length (badass contempt towards religion, doomy/heavy early-Incantation influence, etc.)? I've had it for a while but just really got into it pretty recently.

The only other band I can think of is Necros Christos.
Toronto has a pretty sweet hardcore scene now. Though all I see coming from Montreal lately is shitty deathcore (besides Ion Dissonance's early stuff), it's generally been a pretty sweet music scene for years.
Also, there's Martyr.