Death Metal

I pulled out the Eviscerated demo "Rituals of Reanimation" this afternoon and was surprised at the quality of this release, especially for a demo. The maturity in the songwriting for this band is great. The subtleties in the guitar work and the rhythms by the drummer really stood out on this listen. I found quite a few new things in the songs this time around too, which is always a great thing to have happen.

It's taking a long time for their Ep to be released, but I hope it happens some time this year. Lots of potential here. Check them out.

Awesome stuff! I'm looking forward to a release by them.
TBH you can't go wrong with any Bolt Thrower album. Everything is great and just as good as the rest. My favorites are In Battles There Is No Law, Those Once Loyal, Honour Valour Pride, and The IVth Crusade
Bolt Thrower is pretty much amazing. Every album is worth hearing, as said before... but definitely check out Realm of Chaos and Those Once Loyal.
I'd start with Realm of Chaos and Warmaster

I've been thinking of getting into Bolt Thrower. What album is an essential?

:headbang: You've gotta love Ville Laihaila. His work with Poisonblack is better imo.

Ville is not even on the album and no his work with poisonblack is not better than the stuff he did with Sentenced. Down and especially The Cold White Light shit on poisonblack.
Ville is not even on the album and no his work with poisonblack is not better than the stuff he did with Sentenced. Down and especially The Cold White Light shit on poisonblack.

Dont bother arguing with someone like him. He'll drag you down to his level and beat you with experience. :D
did anyone get the molested LP? all my copies came with bent corners and a couple where all bent to shit :\ the german dude can't pack for shit fuck.