Death Metal

(the same link is on the bands website. yes, they're giving it away)

My fave dm purchase for the month of may
Simply put, it sounds like a more brutal version of beyond sanctorum. Tell me what ya think
Well, they directly affected a lot of the music you like, probably.

Yeah, probably. I guess. I mean, were they really all that influential? Was any band really all that influential within death metal? I can't imagine that extreme metal would have developed a LOT differently if you could prevent any one band from existing. Faster and heavier is a sentiment shared by ton of metal fans. Musicians with songwriting talent exist in many bands.
Yeah, probably. I guess. I mean, were they really all that influential? Was any band really all that influential within death metal? I can't imagine that extreme metal would have developed a LOT differently if you could prevent any one band from existing. Faster and heavier is a sentiment shared by ton of metal fans. Musicians with songwriting talent exist in many bands.

This is pretty much completely wrong and the last sentence wasn't even relevent to the rest of the paragraph.
This is pretty much completely wrong and the last sentence wasn't even relevent to the rest of the paragraph.

Explain why is it wrong? What part of it do you disagree with, and why?

I know it goes against what people usually think and say, but as I have thought more about it I think it's a pretty sound statement. I can't think of many bands that have been single handedly responsible for the direction of metal.

But I do believe there is one thing that every band has to offer that no other band can offer, and that is the songs and albums written and released by that band, and consequently the metal fans who were inspired to begin playing in a certain style because of that influence. Any band who released quality material has the potential to influence the history of metal. But how many are really responsible for the direction metal has gone?

The conversation was about Morbid Angel and death metal, so why don't you name a band or two whose existence altered the direction of death metal in a way that would not have developed very similarly otherwise. Tell us what they specifically contributed that might not have developed otherwise.
i talked about this album before but finally got my hands on a copy. Maim - From The Womb To The Tomb from sweden is excellent death metal. def. a top 5 album for me as far as death metal goes. There is tons of Autopsy influence in this album, holy fucking shit this band pulls it off awesomely. anyone get a chance to hear it?