Death Metal

Incantation(first three). Dead Congregation remind me of older US DM albums.
Cause of Death is absolute greatness, James Murphy's on there, how can it be anything other than great? Hmmmmm death metal you say?


If James Murphy actually wrote the riffs the album might not suck so much ass. check out Disincarnate
I'm sick of waiting for Revolting `bonesaw leftovers to come out(fucking bullshit).

Any good DM albums come out recently ?
Yeah, very obvious Immolation influence on GOTA, which is probably partially why I don't like it as much as most people; not the biggest Immo fan as most people here probably know. To me, GOTA is good and has a definitely excellent aesthetic, but I can't seem to actually enjoy listening to it.
most good death metal is extremely dark.

Most death metal I have is only some downtuned, more technical form of thrash with some occasional dissonant stuff thrown in. I suppose it's dark in general but very rarely does said "darkness" compare to anything by a decent black metal band or death/funeral doom band. Graves of the Archangels seems to be one of those exceptions though admittedly I'm still a total noob and haven't thoroughly checked out Immolation/Incantation yet.

I mean I think most people would consider bands like Morbid Angel, Carcass, Suffocation, Nile, Gorguts, Atheist, or Demilich to be "good" death metal, yet I don't consider any of them to be dark relative to other extreme metal genres.
If you want some seriously dark death metal, look no further than:
