Death Metal

I bought Asphyx's latest a while ago, I can't say I think it's as good as everyone thinks it is. Better than most "reunion" albums, sure, but not up to old standards.
So for what I can tell thus far, everybody here hates each other.
and they enjoy bickering about worthless internet drama more so than quality Death Metal releases, like the newest The Chasm release.

What does everyone think of Corchado's varied and veiled vocals on Farseeing...? It took a little bit for me to warm up to it, but it definitely assists the overall vibe of the album.
like the newest The Chasm release.

What does everyone think of Corchado's varied and veiled vocals on Farseeing...? It took a little bit for me to warm up to it, but it definitely assists the overall vibe of the album.

Didn't think all the hype held true at first, but i noticed subtleties after consecutive listens, great album. They never cease to impress. Vocals match the album perfectly. :kickass:
Farseeing might be their best, this might be cliche but it really is a very dark, thick album. I honestly don't like the lack of vocals though. But when they're there, they're :)D) amazing as always.
I honestly don't like the lack of vocals though. But when they're there, they're :)D) amazing as always.

Initially, i was thrown off by the lack of vocals, but makes the album that much more impressive for me. Definitely a memorable album.
Lately, I've been listening to some Angel Corpse, Fleshgore and October Tide.

Has anyne listened to Rose Funeral? Someone mentioned them to me but I want to know if it's worth giving them a listen.
They're deathcore. They're pretty good deathcore, but still deathcore.
If you're open to that, Crucify. Kill. Rot. is a pretty good album.

This is probably one of my favorite deathcore songs ever:

As you suffer, you bleed to death, your skull is fractured, face is mutilated :kickass:
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Awesome, thanks! I'm not really into a hell of a lot of -core bands so I was iffy on trying them out. That song is pretty damn good, actually. I'll have to check out some more.