Death Metal

Lately I've been liking Deicide a lot more than I used to. They were only in my top ten on before because I would always play the song Once Upon the Cross just hear the funny beginning, but now I've legitimately been listening to that whole album a lot, I've really been digging it.
When I was in my teens, during the mid '90s, Legion and Once Upon the Cross were among the albums I listened to the most, for sure. I'm not so big on Deicide these days, but once in a while I will put those on and thoroughly enjoy them.

Shit, now I have "When Satan Rules His World" in my head. Might have to pop that in tonight.
So, whenever I have to index documents at work, I throw on some music. The past few days, I have decided to re-spin both Dawn of Possession and Onward to Golgotha. DoP is still kinda meh (but better this time around), but OtG is fucking WAY better than I remember
When I was in my teens, during the mid '90s, Legion and Once Upon the Cross were among the albums I listened to the most, for sure. I'm not so big on Deicide these days, but once in a while I will put those on and thoroughly enjoy them.

Shit, now I have "When Satan Rules His World" in my head. Might have to pop that in tonight.

OUTC is probably the best Deicide album imo
I really dig that Ascended stuff too! I liked it enough to order the MCD just now after checking the myspace. I was gonna order the demo tape too, but the label selling it is overseas and they wanted me to send cash/money order. No paypal or anything. wtf.
Every time I listen to Morbid Angel's Covenant, I think it is pretty much the best death metal album, with the best death metal sound, ever. Altars of Madness is an indisputable classic, yes, and Blessed are the Sick is a great album, but for me Covenant defines death metal and its brutality, dissonance, occult atmosphere, etc. Every aspect of the album is perfectly honed. There are certainly rawer, more influential albums, albums more important to the origins of death metal, but to this day I think of Covenant as the standard which, for my tastes, all death metal must aspire to meet.
Every time I listen to Morbid Angel's Covenant, I think it is pretty much the best death metal album, with the best death metal sound, ever. Altars of Madness is an indisputable classic, yes, and Blessed are the Sick is a great album, but for me Covenant defines death metal and its brutality, dissonance, occult atmosphere, etc. Every aspect of the album is perfectly honed. There are certainly rawer, more influential albums, albums more important to the origins of death metal, but to this day I think of Covenant as the standard which, for my tastes, all death metal must aspire to meet.

I too hold Covenant in pretty high regards. Don't know if I'd go as far as you, but it's for sure a well toned album. I get the sense that Morbid Angel knew exactly what they wanted for this album and just, as you said, perfectly honed in on it. Vincent sounds as vicious as ever, Pete has never had a better sounding kit, and Trey...was just being Trey.