Death Metal

Is there anyone else that really enjoys Gateways to Annihilation or is it just me?
Gateways is tied with Heretic as my least favorite MA album. Seems like all the slower Morbid Angel albums are a little more polarizing than the faster ones, but still, there are moments on Gateways that are great. My problem with that album is that there are tracks that are just...meh.

* An Album is in the works. It will contain rerecordings of all the songs from demo 2007, 3 new songs and most of the songs from the Merciless Insane Death demo-tape in remixed/remastered versions. We've not decided yet which songs to bring to the album and not but we aiming at around 10-11 songs.

You can have a look at the Coverart in our gallery, it's done by the mighty Inventor!

Blood Harvest Records will release this when it's done - please don't bother asking about when cos we honestly don't know. We're in the middle of the mixing process right now. We should have everything done within a month or so to be ready to be sent to the pressing plant.

It will be a CD & LP release.

* We get alot of questions about the shirts and they're all sold out right now. We don't know if they'll every be reprinted - we really want them to be but time will tell...
Also we're aiming for a new design the next time, something to go with the albumrelease.

* The demo will most likely never be repressed again - so if you got it, good for you. We sold a total of 300copies and that's pretty amazing concidering it's fucking 2009 and you can't really go to Domus and pick up a cassette-player just like that. Tape is the superior media if you're looking for a true Hi-Fi-experience for the best possible sound of Bastard Priest - hunt down the cassette.

That's it for now - "Stay Hard" like Raven would have put it.
I just accidentally put the Utumno vinyl on at 45 rpm and it sorta sounded like a black metal album. haha.

Love when this freaks me out. I'll be like "wow, this is way doomier than I remember" sometimes if I have a 45 RPM 7" on 33 or fucked.
the new split actually reminds me a lot of Galloping. "Converts at the Tents of Grace" is probably one of my favorite Arghoslent songs now. You will have these fucking riffs stuck in your head.
the new split actually reminds me a lot of Galloping. "Converts at the Tents of Grace" is probably one of my favorite Arghoslent songs now. You will have these fucking riffs stuck in your head.

You mean the split with Martial Barrage, right? The cover looks great, also. How do you like the Martial Barrage stuff? Is it decent at all?

Fuck, I've been listening to Galloping a's a hell of a DM album. I want their other releases damn bad.
Finally got my hands on the new Grave Miasma. After all the hype I was expecting some monstrous first listen, which it barely fell short of, but I can still tell I'll probably like it more than Ignivomous/Funebrarum/etc. from this year. Good shit.
My bassist is white but looks Mexican. He doesn't know it, but when we finally release an album/ep/demo whatever, next to his name I'm putting "Infernal Mexibass".