Death Metal

Soulless is quite ok, though it is fairly groove oriented. Hating Life sucks. I have a copy, if anyone wants to buy it from me. I think that Fiendish Regression is ok, too, though far from great.
Hmm, they find Litany to be the best Vader. I was expecting either The Ultimate Incantation or De Profundis pushing the top 20.
Feedback welcome.
Pretty bad; one album per band never works, plus any list where you just tally up favourites is bound to be lame. LOL at Opeth being on the list let alone in the top ten, Altars not being number one, and Annihilation Of The Wicked(!?!?) being above Cryptopsy, Sepultura, Autopsy, Gorguts, DEICIDE, Atheist, etc.