Death Metal

i'm not so sure anymore, i used to like it more. i really think the debut is all most people need and even that's hardly awe-inspiring. bolt thrower are the definition of solid, rarely more or less than that.
Those Once Loyal is a good newer DM album, but it's my least favorite along with Honour Valour Pride and both are pretty average for BT.
Anyone got any recommendations for those "darker" "0kkv1t" death metal bands. :p Ones that play stuff in the vein of The Chasm, Funebrarum, Molested, or Slugathor.
Anyone got any recommendations for those "darker" "0kkv1t" death metal bands. :p Ones that play stuff in the vein of The Chasm, Funebrarum, Molested, or Slugathor.

Infinitum Obscure's new album fits what you want to a tee. Dead Congregation also play this kind of style to some extent. It's hard to come by a band that sound like Molested, though.
Anyone got any recommendations for those "darker" "0kkv1t" death metal bands. :p Ones that play stuff in the vein of The Chasm, Funebrarum, Molested, or Slugathor.

Arguably they're more BM than DM, but you might enjoy Seven Chalices by Teitanblood, the ever-popular Triune Impurity Rites by Necros Christos, and Atonement Ritual by Embrace Of Thorns. They're quality, anyway. Also, as mentioned Dead Congregation. Possibly also Ignivomous?
Excoriate synthesizes many different death metal sounds, particularly 80s Brazil, extremely well. It presents very raw and chaotic ideas with the finesse of a 90s European texture.

True, the 80's brazilian DM is definitely there (played better tbh). On Pestilent Winds reminds me a lot of our old, raw stuff. Cool album for sure.
Lykathea started working on a new album btw (about a month ago, so basically old news, but I didn't know tbh).