Death Metal

Is any Vader worth listening to? They're touring with Immolation in October and I want to know if I should be prepared to space out during their set or not.

pretty average death metal. never seen em live so don't know if they're any better live though.

thankfully I only get 1 lame band instead of 4 for my Immo show here!
Got back into The Crown recently, really awesome band except the singer retardation on the "Crowned In Terror" original :)
People interested in oldschool shit should check out my two demo bands linked in my sig btw :)
Immolation's newest one has been owning me for the past month, such a great album. Especially the immense drumming, love how they follow the guitar riff with it, do any other DM bands do this?
Immolation's newest one has been owning me for the past month, such a great album. Especially the immense drumming, love how they follow the guitar riff with it, do any other DM bands do this?

It's a fantastic album. I think there really isn't any band that do the things they do. Very weird approach to Death Metal, in a good way :)