Death Metal

I've only listened to the songs on the page Andy linked me to. They were alright but I didn't find myself completely enamored by it, and thus I didn't buy it. Too interested in the new Interment lately to care anyway!
Who has the new Interment in stock? I can only find it from Pulverised Records & that would be pretty expensive for 1 CD with the hefty shipping charge.
I have not looked much into reviews/opinions on Soulless, but it's a great album.

Is any Vader worth listening to? They're touring with Immolation in October and I want to know if I should be prepared to space out during their set or not.

Well, I'm not sure about the new formation, but when they played here for the last time (2008 with Marduk) their set was excellent. Really worth the money. Mauser (guitar), Novy (bass) and Daray (drums) are all gone, they're all pretty good.

I like some of their albums, try Litany and Impressions in Blood. They usually play a good number of songs off these albums. If you don't like these ones, you probably won't like any Vader imo.
Is any Vader worth listening to? They're touring with Immolation in October and I want to know if I should be prepared to space out during their set or not.

As they said, The Ultimate Incantation is good stuff. Here's a sample.

However, they probably will stick to newer stuff playing live, but it should be enjoyable.
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can't say I care for Vader. Not just musically, but their vocals kill it.