Death Metal

Personally I listen to those albums more than many comparable early 90s albums like say, Slumber of Sullen Eyes. Their stuff is not original but it is flawlessly executed.

Agreed. I also listen to their early albums more often than many of the classic albums. There's a special feeling on those albums.

It's up there with the best from At the Gates, Necrophobic, Dismember, Therion and Merciless in my eyes.


Talking about 2010 releases, I've really enjoyed Father Befouled's new one.
Listened to Enter the Realm of Death earlier for the first time. awesome stuff
Right now Im listening to alot of Dethklok and som Cannibal Corpse, I love Evisceration Plague and both of the Dethalbums.

Anyone have any suggestions on some good Melodic Death Metal bands like Dethklok (since Dethklok is not really a band) with some cool guitar solos? Im trying to get more into Death Metal, so I would apreciate any suggestions ;)

Stay metal
^yeah. That shit is gooooood.

I've been a Sacramentum fan on and off for awile but never checked out Runemagick, they have a lot of album so it's going to be fun looking into their material.:loco:.
Amon Amarth were never really ground breaking, but they are still fun to listen to.
Can't stand Amon Amarth. Decent place to start I guess though if you are just getting into death metal.

supposedly there is a new Adorior album coming out soon. Looking forward to that.
Am going to get a couple of Immolation albums since I only have Majesty And Decay at the moment (what an album!) which was my introduction to this band. Have decided on Here In After and Close To A World Below after a bit of research and sampling on youtube. Dawn Of Possession is decent but doesn't grab me as much as the later offerings, the sounds feels a little stripped down in comparison.

What do you guys think?
Vasaeleth, Cruciamentum, and Grave Miasma absolutely slayed at Rites of Darkness. Fucking awesome performances. 3 of the best newer death metal bands. It makes me happy to see youngsters making awesome death metal.

@Inso: Any/all of the first 5 Immolation albums are fine choices. Eventually you should get them all, doesn't matter too much which ones you get first
That's the consensus I'm getting on the net hehe, 'they can do no wrong' seems to be a common opinion which I'm fast coming to myself. The drumming is awesome, its basically a lead instrument.

Newer Death Metal sounds worth myspacing too, will check those guys out. I think DM is possibly becoming my favourite genre of metal, with much help from this forum. No other metal genre offers so much variation and innovation.
No other metal genre offers so much variation and innovation.

I have to agree...
There's no need returning to black metal now is there?

Immolation can get a little too sloppy in the long distance...